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2025-02-19 - Jacob Moore - Living Intentionally
2025-02-16 - Ray Bullins - Mark Hope of the Resurrection
2025-02-12 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 13 - Intro to Kingdom Parables
2025-02-09 - Steve Andrews - Purpose of the Law
2025-02-05 - Jerry Denny - 1Peter 1
2025-02-02 - Tim Patterson - Blessed are the Merciful
2025-01-29 - Andrew Jones - The Importance of Prayer
2025-01-26 - Tim Hughes - Gods Sovereignty
2025-01-22 - Dave Cullen - Hospitality
2025-01-19 - Bert Jones - The Humble Shall Be Exalted
2025-01-05 - Jeff Johnson - 2025 Challenge
2024-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Watchnight - Passing the Mantle
2024-12-29 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 19
2024-12-22 - Tim Patterson - A Supernatural Christmas
2024-12-15 - Ray Bullins - Mark 15 Part 2 - Christ on The Cross
2024-12-11 - jeff Johnson-Romans 12 verse 2 part 2
2024-12-08 - Dave Langston - Nahum
2024-12-04 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 18 - Jethro
2024-12-01 - Bert Jones - Humility Before the Lord
2024-11-24- Todd Moore - John Chapter 16
2024-11-17 - Jeff Johnson - Romans 12_2
2024-11-13 - Shawn Prince- Testimony
2024-11-10 - Bert Jones - On Gods Side Not The Worlds
2024-11-06 - Dave Cullen -Lies and lying
2024-11-03 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 17 - Water and War
2024-10-30 - Alan Jones - Christ High Priesthood - Part 3
2024-10-27 - Dave Langston - Obadiah
2024-10-23 - Alan Jones - Christ High Priesthood - Part 2
2024-10-20 - Tim Patterson - Matt 5_5 - Blessed are the Meek -1
2024-10-16 - Alan Jones -Christ High Priesthood - Hebrews
2024-10-15 - Bert Jones - Biblical Eldership
2024-10-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 15 - Christ Before Pilate
2024-10-09 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 16 - The Bread of Life
2024-10-06 - Bert Jones - James 4 - Spiritual Warfare
2024-10-02 - Dave Cullen - Praise
2024-09-29 - Jeff Johnson - The Lord's Supper
2024-09-25 - Jeff Johnson - Spiritual Gifts
2024-09-22 - Todd Moore - John 15-16 -
2024-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - Gifts of the Spirit
2024-09-15 - Steve Andrews - Miriaum and marah
2024-09-11 - Tim Patterson - Matthew 5 - The Beatitudes
2024-09-08 - Tim Hughes - Acts 4
2024-09-04 - Jerry Denny - Isaiah Chapter 40
2024-09-01 - Bert Jones - James 3 Godly vs Worldly Wisdom
2024-08-28 - Jacob Moore - The 5 Senses
2024-08-25 - Tim Patterson - Mat chapter 5; The Beatitudes
2024-08-21 - Dave Cullen -Psalms 103 Mercy of God
2024-08-18 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 - Part 3 - Jesus Betrayed
2024-08-14 - John Yount - Testimony
2024-08-11 - Dave Langston - A Tale of Two Nations
2024-08-07 - Jeff Johnson - Gods "Do" Order
2024-08-04 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 15 - Song of Moses Continued
2024-07-31 - Tim Hughes - Acts 3 Peters exortation
2024-07-28 - Todd Moore - Abiding in Christ
2024-07-24 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 - Part 2
2024-07-21 - Jeff Johnson - The Captured Ark
2024-07-17 - Steve Andrews Exodus 15 Song of Moses
2024-07-14 - Tim Hughes - Acts 3;16
2024-07-10 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 103 Gods Benifits
2024-07-07 - Bert Jones - James 3 - Taming the Tongue
2024-06-26 - Steve Andrews
2024-06-23 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 :1-26 - Extravagant Love
2024-06-16 - Eric Smith - The Love Of Christ Compels Us
2024-06-12 - Jeff Johnson - Davids Heart To Build the Temple
2024-06-09 - Steve Andrews - Ezra 3 - The Work of God
2024-06-05 - Tim Patterson - The Kingdom of Heavan
2024-06-02 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 13 - Pre Travel Instructions
2024-05-26 - Todd Moore - John 14
2024-05-22 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 12 Part 2
2024-05-19 - Bert Jones - Legalism vs Love
2024-05-12 - Jeff Johnson - Mothers Day
2024-05-08 - Jacob Moore - Psalm 1
2024-05-05 - Tim Hughes - Acts Chapter 3
2024-05-01 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings 3
2024-04-30 - Ray Bullins - The Lord's Supper
2024-04-28 - Tim Patterson - Matt 4 - Part 2
2024-04-24 - Jeff Johnson - Solomons Prayer
2024-04-14 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 22
2024-04-07 - Steve Andrews - Unleaven Bread
2024-03-31 - Tim Hughes - Acts 2 The Menestry of The Holy Spirit
2024-03-24 - Bert Jones - Faith Leads to Action
2024-03-17 - Ray Bullins - Mark 13
2024-03-06 - Tim Hughes - Acts 2 - The Holy Spirit
2024-03-03 - Todd Moore - John 14 - The Holy Spirit
2024-02-28 - Jerry Dennny - Command, Call, Plea & A Commission
2024-02-25 - Tim Patterson - Matthew 4:12-17
2024-02-21 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings Chapter 2 Verses 1-4
2024-02-18 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 12 - Passover intro
2024-02-14 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings Chapter 1
2024-02-11 - Dave Langston - Revelation 21
2024-02-07 - Andrew Jones - Glorifying the Lord
2024-02-04 - Tim Hughes - Intro to Acts - Part 2
2024-01-28 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 34
2024-01-24 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 11 - The Final Plagu
2024-01-21 - Bert Jones - Sin of Prejudice
2024-01-17 - Tim Patterson - Third Temptation of Christ
2024-01-14 - Ray Bullins- Mark 12_28-44 - Love and Lordship
2024-01-10 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 9_13 -10 - Hailstone,Bugs and Darkness
2024-01-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 24
2024-01-05 - Jeff Johnson - 2025 Challenge
2024-01-03 - Jacob Moore - Preminence of Christ
2023-12-31 - Todd Moore
2023-12-31 - Bert Jones - Watch NIght
2023-12-24- Tim Patterson The Meaning of Christmas
2023-12-17 - Dave Langston - Rev 20 - Part 2
2023-12-13 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 23 Davids Mighty Men
2023-12-10 - Steve Andrews - Gods Purpose on Display
2023-12-06 - Jerry Denny - A Realizatin of the Brevity of Life
2023-12-03 - Bert Jones -James Chapter 1 Part 2
2023-11-26 - Tim Hughes - Intro to Acts
2023-11-19 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 23
2023-11-15 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 8-9
2023-11-12 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another Part 3
2023-11-08 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptations of Christ Part 2
2023-11-05 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 13:18-38
2023-11-01 - Jacob Moore - The Lords Words From the Cross
2023-10-29 - Ray Bullins - Mark 12 Who's Authority
2023-10-25 - Justin Wallace - Tanzania
2023-10-22 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 22
2023-10-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 22 Part 2
2023-10-15 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 7
2023-10-11 - John Yount -1Pet 5
2023-10-08 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptation of Christ
2023-10-04 - Jerry Denny - Psalm Chapter 46
2023-10-01 - Bert Jones - James 1 - Wisdom in Traps
2023-09-27 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 22
2023-09-24 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another Part 2
2023-09-20 - Steve Andrews - The Action Begins
2023-09-17 - Tim Hughes - Christian Joy
2023-09-13 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptations of Christ
2023-09-10 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 21-22
2023-09-06 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 6 1-13 --The Action Begins
2023-09-03 - Bert Jones - Faith Tested in Trials
2023-08-30 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 6
2023-08-27 - Todd Moore - Jesus Washing The Disciples Feet
2023-08-23 - Bert Jones - Capital Commission
2023-08-20 - Dave Langston - Return Of The King
2023-08-16 - Jerry Denny - Psalm Chapter 73
2023-08-13 - Tim Patterson - Why Did Satan Temped Jesus
2023-08-09 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 21
2023-08-02 - Jeff Johnson
2023-07-30 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 4-5 Gods Classroom
2023-07-26 - Tim Patterson - The Person Nature and Roles of Christ - Part II
2023-07-23 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Kings 19 - The Return of the King
2023-07-19 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 4:1-17 - Moses The Reluctant Servant
2023-07-16 - Tim Hughes -Leave No Doupt
2023-07-13 - Joshua Jones - For the Lord
2023-07-09 - Bert Jones - 2 Tim - Final Thoughts
2023-07-02 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another
2023-06-28 - Randy Caviness - Exodus
2023-06-25 - Ray Bullins - Mark 11 - Looking for Fruit
2023-06-21 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 18
2023-06-18 - Tim Patterson - The Person, Nature and Roles of Christ
2023-06-14 - Neal Jones - The Story of Rahab
2023-06-11 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 3 - The Call of God
2023-06-07 - John Yount - 1 Peter Chapter 4
2023-06-04 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 12
2023-05-31 - Jacob Moore - 1 John Chapter 3
2023-05-28 - Tim Hughes - Gal 5:7-15
2023-05-24 - Stephen Roughton - Missionary Update
2023-05-21 - Dave Cullen - Believers Facing Apocracy
2023-05-17 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 17
2023-05-14 - Bert Jones - Mothers Day
2023-05-10 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 16
2023-05-07 - Tim Patterson - Baptism Of Jesus
2023-05-03 - Jerry Denny - The Challenge's To Timothy And Titus In Their Life As Believers
2023-04-30 - Dave Langston - Rev 19 - The Marriage Supper
2023-04-26 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 3 Part 2
2023-04-23 - Steve Andrews - Exodus acts 1-3
2023-04-19 - Justin Wallace - True Wisdom
2023-04-16 - Tim Hughes - Galations 5;1-6 2
2023-04-12 - Jerry Denny - The Gospel in Philippians
2023-04-09 - Jeff Johnson - Easter
2023-04-05 - Tim Patterson - Baptism
2023-04-02 - Ray Bullins - What do you want from me
2023-03-26- Todd Moore-Response To The Seventh Sign; Raising of Lazarus From the Dead
2023-03-22 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 1 Setting The Stage
2023-03-19 -Dave Cullen - Studys in Jude
2023-03-12 - Tim Patterson -Mathew Chapter 3
2023-03-05 - Bert Jones - 2 Tim 3- Last Days
2023-02-26 - Ray Bullins - Children and Rulars
2023-02-19 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 15 - Absalom's Rebellion
2023-02-12 - Tim Hughes - Galatians 4 - Sons of God
2023-02-05 - Steve Andrews -Not Me but Thee
2023-01-29 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 18
2023-01-25 - Jerry Denny - 1 John 3
2023-01-22 - Todd Moore -Jesus Raising Lazarus
2023-01-18 - Jerry Denny
2023-01-15 - Bert Jones - II Timothy Chapter 2
2023-01-11 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 11-13 - Pauls Plea
2023-01-08 - Tim Patterson - Matthew Chapter 8
2023-01-04 - Justin Wallace - Ruth Chapter 4
2023-01-01 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 14 - Absaloms Return
2022-12-28 - Jacob Moore - 1John 2:15-22
2022-12-18 - Dave Cullen - 2:10-11 - Fear Not
2022-12-11 - Tim Hughes - Gal 3:22 - 4:7
2022-12-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 13 Part 2
2022-12-04 - Steve Andrews - The Believers Warfare
2022-11-30 - John Yount - 1 Peter 3
2022-11-27 - Ray Bullins - Mark 10:1-16
2022-11-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 16 & 17
2022-11-16 - Dave Cullen -Jude Part 7-11
2022-11-13 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 13
2022-11-09 - Eric Smith - Share the Gospel
2022-11-06 - Bert Jones - 2 Timothy Chapter 2 being Gods steward
2022-11-02 - Steve Andrews - II Corinthians Ch 8 & 9 - Principles of Giving
2022-10-30 - Tim Patterson - Matt 1 - Part2
2022-10-26 - Steve Andrews - Paul's Split Personality
2022-10-23 - Todd Moore - John 10:22-42 In His Hands
2022-10-19 - Bert Jones - II Timothy 2:3 & 4 - The Lord's Army
2022-10-16 - Dave Cullen - Jude 5-6 - Characteristics of Apostasy
2022-10-12 - Ray Bullins - Mark 9:32 - Greatness
2022-10-09 - Tim Hughes - Galatians -
2022-10-02 - Tim Patterson - Matt 1 - Genealogy of Christ
2022-10-02 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 6 - Join us Not Them
2022-09-28 - Jerry Denny - 1John 5:6-21 - The Test of Being Born Again
2022-09-25 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 15-16
2022-09-21 - Justin Wallace - Ruth Chapter 2 & 3
2022-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 12 Part 2
2022-09-14 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 12
2022-09-11 - Bert Jones -2 Timothy Chapter 1 verses 5-9
2022-09-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 11
2022-09-04 - Ray Bullins - Mark 9 9-32
2022-08-27 - Todd Moore - John 10 The Good Shepherd
2022-08-24 - Jerry Denny - 1 John Overcoming the Enemy
2022-08-21 - Dave Cullen - Contending for the Faith
2022-08-17 - Bert Jones
2022-08-14 - Tim Hughes - Galations Chapter 3 19-25
2022-08-10 - Jerry Denny - I John 4:7 - 5:3
2022-08-07 - Tim Patterson - Introduction to Matthew
2022-08-03 - Jeff Johnson -David and Bathsheba
2022-07-31 - Dave Langston - Revelation 14:14-20
2022-07-27 - Bert Jones - 1 Timothy Chapter 6
2022-07-24 - Steve Andrews - Baptism
2022-07-20 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 3:15-18
2022-07-17 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 10
2022-07-13 - John Yount - 1 Peter 2
2022-07-10 - Bert Jones - Trials and Grief
2022-06-26 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 2 - The Nations Rage
2022-06-22 - Bert Jones - 1 Tim 5 - Elders
2022-06-19 - Tim Patterson - Tabernacle
2022-06-12 - Todd Moore - John 9- We Beleive
2022-06-08 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 5 1-21 Ambassadors for Christ
2022-06-05 - Tim Hughes - Galatians 3:6-14
2022-06-01 - Justin Wallace -Esther
2022-05-29 - Ray Bullins - Mark 8:22-38
2022-05-25 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 5:1-10 The Eternal vs Temporal
2022-05-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 9
2022-05-18 - Bert Jones
2022-05-15 - Steve Andrews - II Corinthians Chapter 4
2022-05-11 - Joshua Jones - John Chapter 6 - The Bread of Life
2022-05-08 - Bert Jones - Mothers Day
2022-05-04 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 8
2022-05-01 - Dave Langston - Revelation 14
2022-04-27 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 7:18-29
2022-04-24 - Tim Hughes - Galations; On fire
2022-04-20 - Jacob Moore -1 John Chapter 2 Verses 1-14
2022-04-17 - Tim Patterson - Day of Atonement
2022-04-13 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel 7:1-17
2022-04-10 - Dave Cullen - Looking to Jerusalem
2022-04-06 - John Yount - 1 Peter 2
2022-04-03 - Neal Jones - Adversity
2022-03-27 - Todd Moore - John 1:1-9
2022-03-23 - Mark Beebe - Lord's Supper
2022-03-20 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 2:12-3:17
2022-03-16 - Mark Beebe - What is the New Testament --- Part 2
2022-03-13 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 6
2022-03-09 - Mark Beebe - What is the New Testament---Part I
2022-03-06 - Tim Patterson - The Atonement
2022-03-02 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 5
2022-02-27 - Tim Hughes - Gal 3:1-5
2022-02-23 - Todd Moore - John 8:31-59
2022-02-20 - Dave Langston - Revalation Chapter 13
2022-02-16 - Jerry Denny- The Works of The Godhead and the Enemy
2022-02-13 - Bert Jones -1 Timothy Chapter 4
2022-02-09 - Jerry Denny - Expectations at Christ Coming
2022-02-06 - Dave Cullen - Proverbs 1
2022-02-02 - Joshua Jones - Unity
2022-01-30 - Ray Bullins - Mark 7 & 8
2022-01-23 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 2 - Bringing Good Through Discipline
2022-01-02 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 4
2021-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Watchnight
2021-12-26 - Tim Hughes - Gal 2:11-21
2021-12-22 - Jacob Moore - Immanuel
2021-12-19 - Dave Langston - A Christmas Message
2021-12-12 - Steve Andrews - 2 Corinthians Chapter 1
2021-12-08 - Justin Wallace - Ruth 1
2021-12-05 - Tim Patterson - The Tabernacle
2021-11-28 - Todd Moore - John 8:1-20
2021-11-21 - Bert Jones - Psalm 100 - A Psalm of Thanksgiving
2021-11-14 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 3:22-39
2021-11-07 - Ray Bullins - Mark - Chapter 7
2021-10-31 - Dave Cullen - Mysteries of God
2021-10-17 - Tim Hughes - Gal 2:1-10
2021-10-10 - Steve Andrews -2 Corinthians Introduction
2021-10-02 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel 3:1-21
2021-09-29 - Mark Swaim - Messages of Ezekiel
2021-09-26 - Ray Bullins - Jesus walks on water
2021-09-22 - Tim Patterson - Approaching a Holy God
2021-09-19 - Todd Moore - John 8:1-11
2021-09-15 - Steve Andrews - Are we Ready
2021-09-12 - Bert Jones -1 Timothy Chapter 2 Prayer
2021-09-08 - Tim Patterson - The Last Trumpet
2021-09-05 - Dave Langston - Rev 12
2021-09-01 - John Yount - 1 Peter 1:13-25
2021-08-29 - Dave Cullen - Mysteries of the Bible
2021-08-25 - Ray Bullins - Feeding the five thousand
2021-08-22 - Steve Andrews -Give to the Lord and His People
2021-08-18 - Jerry Denny - 1John 2:18-29
2021-08-15 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 2
2021-08-11 - Jeff Johnson
2021-08-08 - Tim Hughes - Lessons Learned From Camp Jubilee
2021-08-01 - Bert Jones - I Timothy 2
2021-07-28 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 15:36
2021-07-25 - Tim Patterson - Marriage Supper of the Lamb
2021-07-21 - Steve Andrews -1 Cor 15 Part 2
2021-07-18 - Ray Bullins - Mark 6 - Life and Death of John the Baptist
2021-07-14 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 1
2021-07-11 - Dave Langston - Baptism
2021-07-08 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-08 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-07 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen pm
2021-07-07 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood am
2021-07-06 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-06 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-05 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen pm
2021-07-05 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood am
2021-07-04 - Todd Moore - John 7
2021-07-04 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-04 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-03 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-06-27 - Dave Cullen - The God of Jonah
2021-06-23 - Tim Patterson
2021-06-20 - Steve Andrews - Father's Day
2021-06-16 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 31 II Samuel 1
2021-06-13 - Bert Jones - I Timothy 1:12-20
2021-06-09 - Tim Patterson
2021-06-06 - Jeff Johnson
2021-06-02 - Dave Cullen - The Testimony of Jonah
2021-05-30 - Tim Hughes - Galations 1:11-24
2021-05-26 - Jacob Moore -1John - Walk in The Light
2021-05-23 - Ray Bullins - Mark 6:7-13
2021-05-19 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 14 - Order in the Church
2021-05-16 - Tim Patterson - The Miracle of Pentecost
2021-05-12 - John Yount- 1 Peter 1
2021-05-09 - Dave Langston - Mothers Day
2021-05-02 - Todd Moore - John 6
2021-04-25 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5:35 - 6:6
2021-04-25 - Jeff Johnson -1Sam 29
2021-04-21 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5:21-34
2021-04-18 - Bert Jones - 1Tim 1-11
2021-04-14 - Jeff Johnson - 1Sam 28
2021-04-11 - Dave Cullen - Jonah, Running From the Lord
2021-04-07 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 27
2021-04-04 - Steve Andrews - What Does the Ressurection Mean to You
2021-03-31 - Jerry Denny - 1John 2:1
2021-03-28 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 11
2021-03-21 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5 - The Demoniac
2021-03-17 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 14- What is Going On Here_
2021-03-14 - Tim Patterson
2021-03-10 - Jerry Denny - I John Chapter 1
2021-03-07 - Todd Moore - John 6 - Feeding of the Five Thousand
2021-03-03 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 26
2021-02-28 - Tim Hughes -Gal 1:6-10
2021-02-24 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 10
2021-02-21 - Dave Cullen - Jonah 1- The Call
2021-02-17 - Tim Patterson - Resurrection
2021-02-10 - Tim Patterson
2021-02-07 - Bert Jones - 1 Timothy Intro
2021-02-03 - Justin Wallace - Prohecies of Christ
2021-01-31 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4:33 - 41 Storms Rightly Borne
2021-01-27 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 13 -Perfect Love Cast Out Fear
2021-01-24 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 9
2021-01-20 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 13 Love Illustrated
2021-01-17 - Tim Patterson - 3 days
2021-01-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4
2021-01-10 - Todd Moore - John 4:46 - 5:47
2021-01-06 - John Yount - 1Peter 1:1-9
2021-01-03 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 12:28 - 13:13 - Why So Many List
2020-12-27 - Bert Jones - Philippians 3
2020-12-20 - Jeff Johnson - Matthew 2:1-4
2020-12-13 - Rudy Jackson - The Mystery of Christmas
2020-12-09 - Jerry Denny - Precious Things
2020-12-06 - Dave Cullen - John 1:14 The Word Became Flesh
2020-12-02 - Jerry Denny - Psalms of Ascent - Psalm 132-134
2020-11-29 - Ray Bullins- Give Thanks
2020-11-22 - Bert Jones - The Person of Satan
2020-11-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 25
2020-11-15 - Tim Patterson The Passover
2020-11-11 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 24
2020-11-08 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 12:12-31 A Spiritual Body
2020-11-01 - Dave Langston - Rev 8
2020-10-25 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 4
2020-10-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 23
2020-10-11 - Ray Bullins - Mark 3:13 - 4:20
2020-10-04 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 12 - Spiritual Gifts
2020-09-27 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 1
2020-09-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 7
2020-09-13 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 12 - The Work of the Holy Spirit
2020-09-09 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon Ch 2
2020-09-06 - Bert Jones - 2Thes 2:1-12
2020-09-02 - Justin Wallace - Matt 26
2020-08-30 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel Chapter 22
2020-08-26 - Ray Bullins - Mark 2:22 - 3:13
2020-08-23 - Jim Pendry - 1Kings 21 - Sin's Destruction
2020-08-19 - Ray Bullins - Mark 1:40 - 2:22 - Authority Over Sin
2020-08-16 - Tim Patterson -The Last Supper
2020-08-12 - Bert Jones - 2Thes 1
2020-08-09 - Rudy Jackson - Hosea 14 - Bring With You Words
2020-08-05 - Dave Langston - Revelation - Chapter 6
2020-08-02 - Todd Moore - John 3
2020-07-29 - Josh Mullins - Hope Academy
2020-07-26 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 11 - The Lord's Supper
2020-07-22 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 20 & 21
2020-07-19 - Bert Jones - 1 Thes 5 - The Church Family
2020-07-15 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 20
2020-07-12 - Dave Langston - Revelation - Chapt 5
2020-07-08 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 19
2020-07-05 - Todd Moore - Jesus Cleanses the Temple - John 2 11-25
2020-07-01 - Tim Patterson - The Passover - part 2
2020-06-28 - Ray Bullins - Mark 2- A Sunday with Jesus
2020-06-24 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 11 - Headship -Part 2
2020-06-21 - Jeff Johnson - Father's Day
2020-06-17 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 11 - Headship Sets the Stage
2020-06-14 - Jim Pendry - Fear
2020-06-10 - Justin Wallace- Lessons in humility from the donkey
2020-06-07 - Jerry Denny - Hope
2020-06-03 - Tim Patterson - Lev 23 - Passover
2020-05-31 - Bert Jones -1 Thes 5
2020-05-27 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 4
2020-05-24 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 18
2020-05-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 3
2020-05-17 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 10 Incompatible Unions
2020-05-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 1 - Intro -
2020-05-10 - Todd Moore - Mothers Day
2020-05-03 - Jim Pendry - Motive for Service -1
2020-04-29 - Tim Patterson - The Sabbath Rest
2020-04-26 - Ray Bullins - Rom 15:4 - 16
2020-04-22 - Steve Andrews
2020-04-19 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 2-3
2020-04-15 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 129-131
2020-04-12 - Bert Jones - Resurrection
2020-04-08 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 126-128
2020-04-05 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 17 David and Goliath
2020-04-01 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 9 - Paul's Example of Sacrifice
2020-03-29 - Todd Moore - John The Baptist
2020-03-25 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 16
2020-03-11 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 8
2020-03-11 - Ray Bullins - Rom 14-15:7 Judgement, Freedom and Christ Likeness
2020-03-08 - Jim Pendry - Patience
2020-03-04 - Joshua Jones
2020-03-01 - Bert Jones - 1 Thessalonians 4 Purity
2020-02-26 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 2
2020-02-23 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 15 part 2
2020-02-19 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 7
2020-02-16 - Ray Bullins - Romans 13:8-14 - Time to Wake Up
2020-02-12 - Dave Langston - Letter to Ephesus
2020-02-09 - Steve Andrews - Everything is NOT Okay
2020-02-02 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Thessalonians 2:12-13
2020-02-02 - Bert Jones - I Thessalonians 2_17-3_3
2020-01-29 - Justin Wallace
2020-01-26 - Todd Moore - The Light of the World is Jesus 1
2020-01-19 - Jerry Denny
2020-01-15 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 120-123 Psalms of Ascent - Part 1
2020-01-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4
2020-01-12 - Ray Bullins - Romans 13 - The Christian and Authorities
2020-01-08 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus - The Sabbath Part 2
2020-01-05 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 5
2019-12-31 - Dave Langston - Watch Night Service - Prayer
2019-12-29 - Bert Jones - I Thessalonians 2
2019-12-22 - Dave Langston - Ready For Christmas_
2019-12-15 - Rudy Jackson - God's Gift
2019-12-11 - Ray Bullins - Romans 12 - Living Sacrifices - Together!
2019-12-08 - Jeff Johnson - To Obey is better than Sacrifice ( I Samuel)
2019-12-04 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 4
2019-12-01 - Bert Jones - 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2
2019-11-24 - Jim Pendry - Sins of Sodom
2019-11-20 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 15
2019-11-17 - Ray Bullins - Romans 11:7-31
2019-11-10 - Jerry Denny - Requirements for Fruit Bearing
2019-11-06 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus - The Sabbath
2019-10-30 - Todd Moore
2019-10-30 - John Yount - The Prodigal Son
2019-10-27 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 3
2019-10-23 - Justin Wallace - Parable of the Sower
2019-10-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 1
2019-10-13 - Wayne Denny - The Sojourner Identity of God's People
2019-10-09 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 2
2019-10-06 - Bert Jones - 1 Thes 1 - Part 1
2019-10-02 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 1:18-31 Gods Way not Mans
2019-09-29 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 14
2019-09-24 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in Submission
2019-09-23 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in the Light
2019-09-22 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in Love - Night
2019-09-22 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking Worthy - Morning
2019-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 13
2019-09-15 - Ray Bullins - Romans 11_ 1-6 Israel not Forgotten
2019-09-11 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 12
2019-09-08 - Jim Pendry - 3 mountains
2019-09-04 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 11
2019-09-01 - Dave Langston - Daniel 12
2019-08-28 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus 23
2019-08-25 - Todd Moore - Being In God's Plan
2019-08-21 - Steve Andrews - I Corinthians Chapter 1
2019-08-18 - Jeff Johnson - Finishing Well - Ch01
2019-08-14 - Ray Bullins - That they Might all be Saved - Romans 10
2019-08-11 - Steve Andrews - 1 Corinthians Introduction
2019-08-04 - Bert Jones - Glory and Headship
2019-07-31 - Various - Missionary Trip Recap
2019-07-28 - Dave Langston - Daniel 12
2019-07-24 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 10
2019-07-21 - Rudy Jackson - (As) - Ephesians 4 and 5
2019-07-17 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 9
2019-07-14 - Jerry Denny - Different Types of Fruit
2019-07-10 - Tim Hughes - Salvation
2019-07-07 - Ray Bullins - Romans 9 - Israel's Present -- Part 2
2019-07-03 - Bert Jones - Psalm 11
2019-06-30 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to Have Done - Pt 5
2019-06-26 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 8
2019-06-23 - Jim Pendry - Power of Words pt 2
2019-06-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 40 - Worship in the Millennium
2019-06-16 - Don MacMullen - Preparation of God
2019-06-12 - Jerry Denny - Psalms 107 - 4 Distresses of Life
2019-06-09 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel chapter 7
2019-06-05 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 55
2019-06-02 - Bert Jones - Living Stones
2019-05-22 - Jacob Moore - Draw Me Nearer
2019-05-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 38-39 the Final Battle
2019-05-10 - Jerry Denny - Four Mothers
2019-05-08 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 34-37 Israels Restoration
2019-05-05 - Dave Langston - Daniel 11 - Part 2
2019-04-28 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to have Done Part 4
2019-04-27 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 3
2019-04-27 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 2
2019-04-26 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 1
2019-04-24 - John Yount - God's Supreme Attribute - His Holiness
2019-04-21 - Ray Bullins - The Tomb is Empty - John 20
2019-04-17 - Ray Bullins - Romans 9 - Israel's Present
2019-04-14 - Jim Pendry - Power Of Speech
2019-04-10 - Ali Farhadi - Testimony - Fishermen of men
2019-04-07 - Bert Jones - The Church as the Bride
2019-04-03 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew - Matthew 12:15-21
2019-03-31 - Todd Moore - Overcoming Problems
2019-03-27 - Bert Jones - The Church as the Body
2019-03-24 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 34
2019-03-20 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 33
2019-03-17 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chapter 11
2019-03-13 - Bert Jones - The Church
2019-03-10 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapters 5 & 6
2019-03-06 - Steve Andrews- Ezekiel 29-31
2019-03-03 - Rudy Jackson - Letters of the Cross - 1Cor 17-18 Gal 6 14
2019-02-27 - Tom Wallace- Tim Patterson
2019-02-24 - Jim Pendry - 2 Corinthians
2019-02-20 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 3-4
2019-02-17 - Todd Moore - Closer Walk with Jesus
2019-02-13 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 2
2019-02-10 - Ray Bullins - Romans 8:15-32
2019-02-06 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel Chapter 1
2019-02-03 - Bert Jones - The Believers Responsibility Reguarding Government
2019-01-30 - Ernie Richards - Light in the Darkness
2019-01-27 - Ray Clark - Things We Ought to have Done Pt 3
2019-01-23 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel - 26-28
2019-01-20 - Jerry Denny - Good works
2019-01-16 - Dave Langston - Daniel 10
2019-01-09 - Ray Bullins - Romans 8_1-14
2019-01-06 - Jeff Johnson - The Sons of Zeruiah
2018-12-31 - Steve Andrews - New Years Eve
2018-12-30 - Jim Pendry - Out with the Old In with the New - Ch01 RBC Sound Ch 2
2018-12-23 - Rudy Jackson - The Savior is Born
2018-12-16 - Ray Clark - Things We Ought To Have Done - Pt 2
2018-12-12 - John Yount - Deity Invaded Humanity
2018-12-02 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 25 & 35 - Isreal Surrounded by enemy
2018-11-29 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 6
2018-10-28 - Jeff Johnson - The Daughters of Zelophehad - Ch01 RBC Sound Ch 2
2018-10-24 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 4
2018-10-21 - Dave Langston - Daniel 10 - Part II
2018-10-17 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew - Part 2
2018-10-14 - Jim Pendry - Know for Sure
2018-10-10 - Ray Bullins - Romans 6 - Alive in Christ
2018-10-07 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to Have Done - Pt1
2018-10-03 - Bill Burris - Forgive!
2018-09-30 - Ray Bullins - Romans 5_12-20 Fruits and Roots
2018-09-26 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 20-24
2018-09-23 - Bert Jones - 10 Commandments part 2
2018-09-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 18 - Personal Responsibility
2018-09-16 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 103
2018-09-09 - Dave Cullen-Praying Our Position in Christ
2018-09-02 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 17&19 - God's Chastening
2018-08-26 - Todd Moore - Higher Ground
2018-08-22 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 3
2018-08-19 - Jeff Johnson - Paul's Conversion
2018-08-15 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 2
2018-08-12- Dave Langston - Daniel 9 - Part I
2018-08-08 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 1
2018-08-05 - Ray Clark - Death - Luke 23
2018-08-01 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 16 and 23 - The Harlotry of a Nation
2018-07-29 - Jim Pendry - Neglecting God's Goodness
2018-07-22 - Wayne Denny - Overview of Phillipians
2018-07-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 15 - God the Fruit Expector
2018-07-15 - Bert Jones - 10 Commandments Part I
2018-07-08 - Rudy Jackson - On the Road with Jesus
2018-07-01 - Ray Bullins - Justified by Faith
2018-06-24 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 14 & 20
2018-06-17 - Todd Moore - Father's Day
2018-06-10 - Dave Langston - Daniel 8 Part 2
2018-06-03 - Dave Cullen-inadequacies that hinder the work of the spirit
2018-05-27 - Jeff Johnson - The Church the Building and Body of Christ
2018-05-13 - Ray Clark -7 Excellencies of Christ
2018-05-13 - Jim Pendry - Mothers Day
2018-05-06 - Ray Bullins - Romans 1-3_ The Wrath of God Revealed
2018-04-26 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 5
2018-04-26 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 4
2018-04-26 - Bert Jones - Romans 12 - Spiritual Gifts
2018-04-25 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 3
2018-04-23 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 2
2018-04-23 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 1
2018-04-22 - Dave Langston - Daniel
2018-04-15 - Todd Moore - Jesus' Best Friend
2018-04-08 - Jeff Johnson - The Unfinished Work of Christ
2018-04-01 - Dave Cullen - This Jesus -
2018-03-25 - Ray Clark - Man's Destiny
2018-03-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 13-the Danger of False Prophets
2018-03-11 - Jerry Denny - The Parable of the Eye
2018-03-04 - Jim Pendry - Resurrection Power
2018-02-27 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 4
2018-02-26 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 3
2018-02-25 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 2
2018-02-25 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 1
2018-02-21 - Jeff Johnson - Salt and Light Matt 5 13-16
2018-02-18 - Dave Langston - Daniel 7
2018-02-14 - Jeff Johnson - Blessed are the Persecuted Matt 5 vs10 -13
2018-02-11 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 12-The Object lessons of God
2018-02-07 - Jeff Johnson - Blessed are the Peacemakers Matt 5 vs 9
2018-02-04 - Todd Moore - Godly Legacy
2018-01-28 - Jeff johnson - The Chruch
2018-01-24 - Ray Bullins - Romans Overview
2018-01-21 - Bert Jones - Be a Good Example
2018-01-14 - Jerry Denny - Seed of the Sower
2018-01-07 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 12 - Part 8
2018-01-07 - Dave Cullen - Follow Me
2018-01-03 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 11 - Part 7
2017-12-31 - Ray Clark - Love Forsaken Revelation 2_1-7
2017-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Vision for the New Year
2017-12-27 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew
2017-12-17 - Steve Andrews - Characters of Christmas - Lessons for Life
2017-12-13 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 -Beattitudes - The Pure in Heart
2017-12-10 - Rudy Jackson - Bethehem
2017-12-06 - Jeff Johnson - Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 7
2017-12-03 - Jim Pendry - Who is My Neighbor
2017-11-26 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chp 7
2017-11-18 - Todd moore - Assurance of the believer -
2017-11-15 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon -Part 3
2017-11-12 - Ray Bullins - Contentment
2017-11-08 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 - Sermon on the Mount -Part 6
2017-11-05 - Jeff Johnson-The Greatest Thing
2017-11-01 - Jerry Denny - 4 Lost things and a wonderful Father
2017-10-29 - Bert Jones - Lessons from 1st John part 2
2017-10-22 - Dave Cullen - The Wiles of The Devil
2017-10-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 8 - Abomination Abounds!- Part 6
2017-10-15 - Ray Clark - God and Cyrus- Isa 44-45
2017-10-11 - Johnny Yow - Angels
2017-10-08 - Steve Andrews - Isaiah 28
2017-09-24 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon - Part 2
2017-09-24 - Dave Langston - Daniel 6
2017-09-20 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 - The Sermon on the Mount -Part 5
2017-09-17 - Ray Bullins - Exodus 15-Bitter Waters Made Sweet
2017-09-13 - Andy Burgess - Phil 2 -The Majesty of Christ
2017-09-10 - Todd Moore - Biblical Meditation
2017-09-03 - Bert Jones - Lessons on 1 John
2017-08-27 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 3
2017-08-23 - Bill Burris - To be a Witness
2017-08-20 - Dave Cullen - To Know
2017-08-16 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel Chapters 5-7 - Part 5
2017-08-13 - Dave Langston -Daniel 5
2017-08-09 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel-Part 4
2017-08-06 - Ray Clark - Psalm19 part 2
2017-08-02 - Jonathan Cullen - Following the Lord
2017-08-02 - Cris Wallace -Romans 8
2017-07-30 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 2 & 3 - Part 3
2017-07-26 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon - Part 1
2017-07-23 - Ray Bullins - 1 Samuel 15 - The Flesh and Obedience!
2017-07-19 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 2
2017-07-16 - Jim Pendry - Little Things - Part II
2017-07-12 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 1
2017-07-09 - Todd Moore - Encouraging the Older Generation
2017-07-02 - Bert Jones - July 4th Message
2017-06-28 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel-Part 2
2017-06-25 - Dave Cullen - To the Praise of His Glory
2017-06-21 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel
2017-06-18 - Rudy Jackson - Fathers Day
2017-06-11 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chp. 4
2017-06-04 - Jeff Johnson
2017-05-28 - Ray Bullins - Saul's Rash Vow
2017-05-21 - Todd Moore - Making the Trip to Heavan
2017-05-14 - Ray Clark - Titus Chp. 2
2017-05-07 - Jim Pendry - Little Things
2017-05-03 - Johnny Yow - The Crucifixion of Christ
2017-04-30 - Jeff Johnson - Lost Things
2017-04-23 - Steve Andrews - The Time of the Crucifixion
2017-04-22 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - Daniel 1
2017-04-22 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - I Samuel 14
2017-04-21 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - Genesis 6
2017-04-16 - Bert Jones - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
2017-04-09 - Ray Clark - Have I hit the bottom
2017-04-05 - Jeff Johnson - Hebrews 13 (Part 1)
2017-04-02 - Dave Cullen - Position in Christ
2017-03-26 - Dave langston - Daniel 3
2017-03-19 - Ray Bullins - Jonathans Test 1 Sam 14
2017-03-17 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter and Me (Part V)
2017-03-16 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter and me (part IV)
2017-03-14 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter & Me (Part II)
2017-03-13 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter & Me (Part I)
2017-03-12 - Jeff Johnson- The Lord's Prayer
2017-03-05 - Jim Pendry - The Purpose of the Law
2017-03-01 - Bill Burris - The Bible
2017-02-26 - Todd Moore - Debt
2017-02-18 Ray Clark---------Psalm 19
2017-02-12 Steve Andrews----The Storms of Life-Mathew 14
2017-02-08 Jerry Denny-------Psalm 25
2017-02-05 Bert Jones
2017-01-29 Dave Cullen
2017-01-25 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 12
2017-01-22 Jeff Johnson
2017-01-18 Jeff Johnson
2017-01-15 Dave Langston
2017-01-11 Jacob Moore and Josiah Langston
2017-01-01 Ray Bullins---------Finishing Well
2016-12-31 Watch Night Testimonies
2016-12-31 Andy Hilton--------Watch Night
2016-12-21 John Yount---------The Birth of Jesus
2016-12-11 Rudy Jackson
2016-12-07 Randy Caviness
2016-12-04 Steve Andrews
2016-11-27 Bert Jones
2016-11-20 Ray Clark
2016-11-16 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews 12
2016-11-13 Dave Cullen
2016-11-09 Jerry Denny-----Isaiah 40
2016-10-30 Ray Bullins-------1 Samuel 14
2016-10-23 Todd Moore
2016-10-19 Dave Langston----Daniel Chapter 2
2016-10-16 Bert Jones
2016-10-12 Ray Bullins----Samuel Chapter 13-15
2016-10-09 Jim Pendry 10-9-16
2016-10-05 Dave Langston----Daniel Chapter 1
2016-10-02 Jeff Johnson
2016-09-25 Rudy Jackson
2016-09-21 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 12
2016-09-18 Steve Andrews
2016-09-14 Jeff Johnson---Hebrews 11 - Ending
2016-09-11 Ray Clark
2016-09-07 Dave Langston----What is God Waiting For
2016-09-04 Dave Cullen 9-4-16
2016-08-31 Justin Wallace-----Gods Provision
2016-08-28 Dave Langstone------------A heart for God
2016-08-24 Steve Andrews-----The Blinded Jews
2016-08-21 Bert Jones
2016-08-17 Steve Andrews----John Chapter 6
2016-08-14 Jeff Johnson
2016-08-10 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 11
2016-08-07 Todd Moore
2016-08-03 John Yount-----Luke 736-50
2016-07-31 Jim Pendry
2016-07-27 Randy Caviness-----Singing Before the Lord
2016-07-24 Steve Andrews
2016-07-20 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 11 -- Part II
2016-07-17 Dave Cullen--2Pet 13-8
2016-07-10 Ray Clark-----Amos 8- The End is Come
2016-07-03 Ray Bullins....The Choosing of a man!
2016-06-26 Bert Jones
2016-06-12 Dave Langston
2016-06-08 Steve Andrews-----Matt 24
2016-06-05 Jeff Johnson-------Faith 6-5-16
2016-06-01 Johnny Yow
2016-05-29 Todd Moore------- Memorial day
2016-05-25 Jeff Johnson-------Hebrews 11
2016-05-22 Ray Clark-------- -Amos 7
2016-05-15 Rudy Jackson-----Family 05-15-16
2016-05-08 Dave Cullen------Hannah Faithful Mothers
2016-05-04 Steve Andrews----The Teachings of Christ
2016-05-01 Jim Pendry
2016-04-27 Justin Price---- --Wisdom From Proverbs
2016-04-24 Ray Bullins--------2nd Peter 1
2016-04-10 Bert Jones--------Parable of the talents
2016-04-03 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews 8
2016-03-20 Rudy Jackson----The Passion of Christ
2016-03-09 Jerry Denny------Psalm 34
2016-03-06 Dave Cullen------Leaving Our First Love
2016-02-28 Ray Clark---------Amos 6
2016-02-21 Ray Bullins-------Phillipians 4
2016-02-14 Jim Pendry------Luke Chapter 18
2016-02-07 Dave Langston---No Condemnation
2016-02-03 John Yount------James Chapter 1_1
2016-01-31 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter 10
2016-01-27 Johnny Yow--- --No Respecter of Persons
2016-01-20 Bill Burris
2016-01-17 Bert Jones------Evolution
2016-01-13 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 9
2016-01-10 Neal Jones------Prayer
2016-01-06 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 9_1
2016-01-06 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 9
2016-01-04 Steve Andrews-----Christ Our Life
2016-01-03 Steve Andrews---Jude
2015-12-31 Alan Jones----- The Gospel Message
2015-12-27 Dave Cullen----------Repent
2015-12-20 Rudy Jackson-----Christ-King Prophet and Priest
2015-12-09 Steve Andrews-----Mathew Chapter 6&7
2015-12-06 Ray Clark --- Amos 518-62
2015-11-29 Ray Bullins ----- Philippians 4
2015-11-22 Todd Moore ---- Thankfulness
2015-11-18 Jerry Denny----- Psalm 37_1
2015-11-15 Bert Jones---------Testimony
2015-11-11 Joshua Jones---- Davids Sin of Numbering the People
2015-11-08 Jeff Johnson-------feasts
2015-11-04 Randy Cavines-----Song of Moses
2015-11-01 Dave Langston-----Psalm 33
2015-10-28 Tom Wallace--------Ahab
2015-10-25 Dave Cullen
2015-10-21 Jeff Johnson
2015-10-18 Jim Pendry-----The Work of a Servant
2015-10-14 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter
2015-10-11 Steve Andrews
2015-10-08 Jeff Johnson--------Hebrews 7
2015-10-04 Warren Henderson
2015-09-27 Ray Clark Amos 5
2015-09-23 Justin Wallace
2015-09-20 Rudy Jackson Zephaniah 3
2015-09-18 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part V
2015-09-17 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part IV
2015-09-16 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part III
2015-09-15 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part II
2015-09-14 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part I
2015-09-13 Todd Moore-----Only a Sinner
2015-09-09 Steve Andrews--Mathew Chapter 6
2015-09-08 Jim Pendry------I Corinthians 10
2015-09-06 Ray Bullins---------Philippians 3
2015-09-02 Steve Anderews-----The Similitudes
2015-08-30 Bert Jones----------Nothing but the Blood
2015-08-23 Jim Pendry----------1Corinthians 10
2015-08-19 Jeff Johnson--------Hebrews 7 Part I
2015-08-16 Jeff Johnson --------Hebrews 69-20
2015-08-12 Jeff Johnson---------Hebrews 6
2015-08-09 Dave Cullen----------REPENT!
2015-08-05 Bill Burris-------------Psalm 22
2015-08-02 Dave Langston------Time
2015-07-29 Jonathan Peck-----Missionary Emphasis
2015-07-26 Ray Bullins---------The Joy Stealer of Things
2015-07-19 Ray Clark---------Amos Chapter 4
2015-07-15 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 5
2015-07-12 Steve Andrews---The Beatitudes
2015-07-08 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews Chapter 4
2015-07-05 Bert Jones--------Psalm 11
2015-06-28 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 3
2015-06-21 Todd Moore-------Fathers Day
2015-06-17 Steve Andrews----Church Discipline
2015-06-14 Dave Langston---Colossians 32 ---Things
2015-06-07 Jim Pendry-------Professing Believers
2015-06-03 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter 3
2015-05-31 Todd Moore------Gods Promises
2015-05-27 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 2
2015-05-24 Rudy Jackson-----Pentecost
2015-05-20 Randy Caviness------John 9
2015-05-17 Ray Clark-----Amos Chapter 3
2015-05-10 Ray Bullins-----Mothers Day
2015-05-06 Ned Stephens----John Chapter 1
2015-05-03 Bert Jones----Satan-Know Your Adversary
2015-05-02 Ray Bullins-----Worship and the Lords Supper
2015-04-26 Don MacMullen----Giving Glory to God
2015-04-20 Steve Andrews-----Fellowship
2015-04-15 Andy Burgess----Proverbs
2015-04-12 Dave Langston-----God With Us
2015-04-09 Andy Burgess----Proverbs
2015-04-04 Jeff Johnson----Resurrection
2015-04-01 Andy Burgess----Wisdom and Understanding
2015-03-29 Ray Clark------The Days Leading Up to the Ressurection
2015-03-25 Johnny Yow-----Washing the Feet of Jesus
2015-03-22 Todd Moore My Fathers Bussiness
2015-03-20 Bob Brown----Encoraging One Another
2015-03-19 Bob Brown-----Encouragement - Jesus on the Beach
2015-03-18 Bob Brown-----Encouragement- Jesus on the Water
2015-03-17 Bob Brown------Encouragement III
2015-03-16 Bob Brown-----John 14
2015-03-15 Bob Brown------Its Friday But Sundays Coming
2015-03-11 Steve Andrews take up your cross
2015-03-08 Ray Bullins Phillipians 2
2015-02-25 Bill Burris-----Psalm 23
2015-02-22 Rudy Jackson
2015-02-15 Steve Andrews-----Fellowship and Leadership
2015-02-11 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 2
2015-02-08 Jim Pendry------Sauls Conversion
2015-02-04 Steve Andrews-----Treasures in Heaven
2015-02-04 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 2
2015-02-01 Dave Langston----why worry
2015-01-21 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 1
2015-01-18 Ray Bullins----Phillipians Chapter 1
2015-01-14 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Introduction
2015-01-11 Todd Moore-----The Ministry of Barnabas
2015-01-07 Steve Andrews-----Teachings of Jesus
2015-01-04 Ray Clark-----Amos Chapter 4
2015- 12-27 Dave Cullen----------Repent
2015 01-22 Andy Burgess---7 things that God hates
2014-12-27 Bert Jones-----The Rapture and Second Coming of Christ
2014-12-21 Rudy Jackson-----The Birth of Christ
2014-12-11 Dave Langston----The Christmas Story
2014-12-07 Jim Pendry-----John 15
2014-12-03 - 2 Corinthians 2_17
2014-11-30 Steve Andrews - The Way of Salvation
2014-11-23 Bert Jones-----Thankfulness
2014-11-19 Johnny Yow----The Miracles of Christ
2014-11-12 Ray Bullins-------The Body
2014-11-09 Ray Bullins------Hosea----Part.
2014-11-05 Tom Wallace----Running the Race
2014-11-02 Todd Moore-----The Certain Return of Jesus Christ
2014-10-29 Steve Andrews-----Disciples
2014-10-26 Ray Clark - Judgement of Ammon and Moab
2014-10-22 Steve Andrews - Discipleship vs Salvation
2014-10-19 Jim Pendry - John 15_9-17
2014-10-15 Ned Stephens----John Chapter 5
2014-10-12 Dave Langston----Our Moral Compass
2014-10-05 Dave Cullen-----Following After Jesus
2014-09-21 Jeff Johnson - The Word of The King is Power
2014-09-14 Bert Jones-----James-Chapter 1
2014-09-07 Todd Moore - Life of Timothy
2014-08-31 Rudy Jackson-----Co-equal and Co-eternal
2014-08-27 Jeff Johnson----The Image of God
2014-08-21 Jeff Johnson-----Israel the Vine
2014-08-17 Bert Jones - 2nd Timothy 4
2014-08-13 Jeff Johnson----Psalm 2 Part II
2014-08-10 Dave Cullen - John 9 Follow Me
2014-08-06 Jeff Johnson----Psalm 2
2014-08-03 Steve Andrews------The Bride of Christ
2014-07-27 Wayne Denny - Our Mission for God
2014-07-20 Dave Langston - Is God Pleased With Me
2014-07-16 Johnny Yow - Creation and Communication
2014-07-13 Todd Moore - Obadiah
2014-07-09 Steve Andrews---The Kingdom of Heaven
2014-07-06 Jim Pendry------John 15
2014-06-29 Dave Dunlap
2014-06-22 Dave Cullen------Philip the First Disciple
2014-06-18 Steve Andrews - The Teachings of Jesus
2014-06-11 Mark Beebee----The Names of God-El Ellyon
2014-06-08 Ray Clark----Amos Chapter 1
2014-06-04 Mark Beebee-----The Names of God - El Shaddai
2014-06-01 Jeff Johnson - Glorifying God
2014-05-28 Mark Beebe - The Names of God Part 3
2014-05-25 Bert Jones - Gods Inspired Word
2014-05-21 Mark Bebee - The Names of God Part 2
2014-05-18 RudyJackson-----Esau
2014-05-11 Ray Clark - Mothers that Trusted God
2014-05-07 Mark Beebee------The Names of God Part I
2014-05-03 Jim Pendry-----Moses the Man of Faith
2014-05-02 Carmy Price-----Recital 1
2014-04-30 Missionary Presentation
2014-04-27 Dave Langston - Our Plans and Gods Plan
2014-04-20 Dave Cullen - The Resurrection
2014-04-16 Ray Bulllins-----Hosea 6
2014-04-13 Todd Moore----Soon and Very Soon
2014-04-09 Ray Bullins-----Hosea Chapter 5
2014-04-06 Steven Harrell-------Mephibosheth
2014-04-03 John Kinlaw-----The Lord Knows
2014-04-02 Steve Andrews -----Isaiah
2014-03-26 Jeff Johnson - The Passover
2014-03-23 Ray Bullins----Hosea Chapter 4
2014-03-19 Jeff Johnson - The Blood Sacrifice Part 2
2014-03-16 Bert Jones - 2nd Timothy 3a
2014-03-12 Jeff Johnson-----The Blood Sacrifice
2014-03-09 Rudy Jackson------The Journey to Mount Moriah
2014-03-05 Jim Steenland
2014-03-02 Dave Langston - Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
2014-02-28 Jamie Hull - James Part 6
2014-02-27 Jamie Hull - James Part 5
2014-02-26 Jamie Hull - James Part 4
2014-02-25 Jamie Hull - James Part 3
2014-02-24 Jamie Hull - James an Overview
2014-02-23 Jamie Hull - Introduction to James
2014-02-19 Steve Andrews - Isahia
2014-02-16 Todd Moore - Habakkuk
2014-02-09 Jeff Johnson-----The Relationship Between The Father and Son
2014-02-05 Steve Andrews----The Servant Messiah
2014-02-02 Dave Cullen - Shame
2014-01-26 Bert Jones-------A Faithful Worker
2014-01-22 Jeff Johnson - The Sacrifice of the Son
2014-01-19 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes 5
2014-01-15 Jeff Johnson-----Fully God and Fully Man
2014-01-08 Jeff Johnson - The Relationship between the Father and the Son
2013-12-31 Watch Night - First Hour
2013-12-31 Andy Hylton----Watch Night 2nd Hour
2013-12-29 Ray Bullins-----Luke Chapter 2
2013-12-15 Jeff Johnson - Relationship between the Father and the Son
2013-12-11 Ned Stephens - John 5
2013-12-08 Todd Moore------Parable of the Talents
2013-12-04 Johhny Yow----Galatians 3
2013-12-01 Dave Langston - Loving the Lord
2013-11-24 Dave Cullen - Thanking God
2013-11-20 Steve Andrews - Isaiah 7-9
2013-11-17 Rudy Jackson - Have We Left Our First Love
2013-11-13 Steve Andrews-----The Branch
2013-11-10 Ray Bullins-----Hosea Chapter 3
2013-11-06 Randy Caviness - Abraham
2013-11-03 Ray Clark - Amos Chapter 1
2013-10-30 Saurez---------Missionary to Bolivia
2013-10-27 Ray Bullins - Hosea 2
2013-10-23 Jeff Johnson------Lessons From Children
2013-10-20 Steven Harrell------Lessons From Naphtali
2013-10-16 Jeff Johnson-----Psalm 8
2013-10-13 Jim Pendry---Luke 15
2013-10-09 Jeff Johnson----Acts 27-28
2013-10-06 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy 2 Part 1
2013-10-02 Jeff Johnson - Acts 25-26
2013-09-29 Todd Moore-----Finishing Well
2013-09-25 Steve Andrews - Isaiah and the Millenium
2013-09-18 Steve Andrews - Isaiah and the Tribulation
2013-09-11 Johnny Yow - Galatians 2
2013-09-08 Dave Langston----The Pursuit of Contentment
2013-09-01 Dave Cullen----A Labor of Love
2013-08-28 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy 1
2013-08-25 Ray Clark-The Life and Times of Amos
2013-08-18 Rudy Jackson------Abraham the Priest
2013-08-14 Steve Andrews - Isaiah 14-23
2013-08-11 Johnathan Brower - Depend on God
2013-08-07 Jeff Johnson - Acts 23 and 24
2013-08-04 Jeff Johnson----Consequences of SIn
2013-07-31 Tom Wallace---Following the Flesh
2013-07-25 Johnny Yow-----Galatians 1
2013-07-21 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes 4
2013-07-14 Dave Cullen - The Church at Sardis
2013-07-10 Dave Langston - Living for the Lord Not Self
2013-07-07 Todd Moore------Standing Up For Jesus
2013-06-30 Jeff Johnson------Parable of the Soils
2013-06-26 Johnny Yow-------Phillippians Chapter 4
2013-06-23 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy Chapter 1a
2013-06-19 Jeff Johnson - Acts 22_1
2013-06-19 Jeff Johnson - Acts 22
2013-06-12 Jeff Johnson--Acts 21
2013-06-09 Dave Langston - The Judgement Seat_Bema
2013-06-02 Ray Clark - 2 Peter 3
2013-05-15 Jeff Johnson - Acts 20
2013-05-12 Rudy Jackson---A Mothers Influence
2013-05-08 Jeff Johnson---Acts Chapter 19_1
2013-05-08 Jeff Johnson---Acts Chapter 19
2013-05-05 Ray Bullins----------Hosea Chapter 1
2013-05-01 Jeff Johnson------------Acts Chapter 18
2013-04-28 Dave Cullen - Revelation 3 1-6
2013-04-21 Jeff Johnson----Running the Race
2013-04-17 Randy Caviness----More Precious Than Gold
2013-04-10 Benjamin Shelor-----King Jehoshaphat
2013-04-07 Bert Jones - I Timothy 6
2013-04-03 Josh Jones - Put God First
2013-03-31 Ray Bullins - The Importance of the Resurection
2013-03-27 David Dunlap------The Resurrection of Lazurus
2013-03-24 Ray Clark--The Head Covering The Lord Supper Pt 3
2013-03-20 Kenneth Johnson----Our Position In Christ
2013-03-17 Steven Harrell - Practicality of The Lords Supper
2013-03-13 Johnny Yow-----Phillipians 2
2013-03-10 Dave Langston - Good Works
2013-03-06 Cecil Cottrell - How to Study Scripture
2013-03-03 Todd Moore - Gods Presence in Times of Trouble
2013-02-27 Jeff Johnson-------Acts Chapter 17
2013-02-24 Neal Jones-----The Call of the Believer
2013-02-20 Jeff Johnson - Acts 16
2013-02-17 Rudy Jackson----The Indictment
2013-02-13 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 15
2013-02-06 Jeff Johnson - Acts 14
2013-02-03 Ray Bullins - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
2013-01-31 Mark Shelley----Leadership in the Home
2013-01-27 Steve Andrews - The Covenants
2013-01-23 Johnny Yow----Phillipians Chapter 1
2013-01-13 Bert Jones - 1 Timothy 5
2013-01-09 Steve Andrews------Isaiah - The Fall Of Babylon
2013-01-06 Jeff Johnson-----Acts 13
2012-12-31 Neal Jones - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-31 Mark Bebe - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
2012-12-31 Kenneth Johnson - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-31 Jason Caroll - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-23 Dave Cullen - The Birth of Christ
2012-12-16 Neal Jones----Denying Self
2012-12-12 Jeff Johnson----Acts Chapter 12
2012-12-09 Rudy Jackson-----Why Christ Came
2012-12-05 Jeff Johnson--Acts Chapter 11
2012-12-02 Ray Clark------The Lords Supper Part Two
2012-11-28 Josh Jones------Emotions
2012-11-25 Dave Langston - The Passover Supper
2012-11-18 Ray Bullins - Sin
2012-11-14 Jeff Johnson------Acts Chapter 11
2012-11-11 Bert Jones I Timothy Chapter 4
2012-11-07 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 9
2012-11-03 Ray Clark - The Lords Supper
2012-10-24 Kenneth Johnson-----The Human Race
2012-10-21 Jim Pendry------Ecclesiastes Chapter 2
2012-10-07 Dave Cullen - Peace in Christ
2012-10-03 Ben Shelor -----I John Chapter 1
2012-09-30 Neal Jones----Mathew 16
2012-09-26 Steve Andrews ---Isaiah
2012-09-23 Dave Langston - Elijah
2012-09-19 Steve Andrews----Isaiah
2012-09-16 Bert Jones - I Timothy Chapter 3
2012-09-12 Steve Andrews----Isaiah
2012-09-05 Steve Andrews------Isaiah Chapter 4
2012-09-02 Jeff Johnson-----Victorious in Christ
2012-08-29 Johnny Yow------Pride
2012-08-26 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 5
2012-08-19 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes Chp. 1
2012-08-15 Jeff Johnson----Acts 6&7
2012-08-08 Jeff Johnson------Acts Chapter 5
2012-08-05 Ray Bullins------Leviticus Chapter 2
2012-07-29 Ray Clark - 2 Peter False Teachers 2
2012-07-25 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 4
2012-07-22 Bert Jones-----I Timothy Chapter 2
2012-07-18 Steve Andrews-----
2012-07-15 Dave Langston - One in a Million
2012-07-11 Steve Andrews------Chosen
2012-07-01 Jim Pendry------Independence from Sin
2012-06-27 Neal Jones------Living for the Lord
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1_2
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1_1
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1
2012-06-20 Jeff Johnson - Acts 4
2012-06-17 Bert Jones - Being a Father
2012-06-13 Jeff Johnson----Acts Chapter 3
2012-06-10 Ray Bulllins----The Burnt Offering
2012-06-06 Steve Andrews----Isaiah----Part II
2012-06-03 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 1
2012-05-30 Jerry Denny - Evangelism
2012-05-27 Chris Shroeder------How Do We Keep Going
2012-05-20 Ray Clark - False Teachers
2012-05-16 Jeff Johnson - Acts 2
2012-05-09 Josh Shelley------The Faithfulness of God
2012-05-06 Bert Jones--------------Marriage
2012-05-02 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 1
2012-04-29 Jim Pendry - Nehemiah 11-13
2012-04-25 Ben Shelor-------The Discipline of God
2012-04-22 Ray Bullins------Finishing Well
2012-04-15 Dave Langston - When God Says Enough
2012-04-08 Dave Cullen------The Resurrection
2012-04-04 Randy Caviness-----A New Commandment
2012-04-01 Jeff Johnson - Who is a Fool
2012-03-28 Clark Johnson-----Genesis 1
2012-03-25 Ray Clark-----Sodom and Gomorrah
2012-03-24 Bonnie Larson - Gods Delight in Us
2012-03-18 Bert Jones - I Timothy 1
2012-03-14 Neal Jones - Obedience
2012-03-11 Dave Cullen - Hiding from the Face of God
2012-03-04 Jim Pendry - Nehemiah 10
2012-02-29 Fred Ruff------Missionary to China
2012-02-22 Mark Beebe----Esther
2012-02-21 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis 4
2012-02-19 Jeff Johnson - Making a Name
2012-02-15 Mark Beebe-----Song of Moses
2012-02-12 Bert Jones-I Timothy
2012-02-08 Tom Wallace-Parables in Matthew
2012-02-07 Johnny Yow------Paul
2012-02-05 Dave Langston-Gods Comfort in Trials
2012-01-29 The Judgement of God
2012-01-22 Ray Clark - II Peter Chapt. 2 Part 2
2012-01-18 Wayne Denny----
2012-01-15 Dave Cullen - Experiencing Gods Presence
2012-01-11 Randy Caviness------The Mercy of God
2012-01-08 Jeff Johnson----Truths Unitentionally Spoken of Christ
2012-01-04 Benjamin Shelor - Gentiles
2012-01-01 Ray Bullins - The First Day of the First Month
2011-12-31 Watchnight Service
2011-12-14 Neal Jones-----Obedience (Part II)
2011-12-11 Rudy Jackson - The Angelic Announcement
2011-12-07 GNOM (Part II)
2011-12-04 Jeff Johnson------One Day Soon
2011-11-30 GNOM (Part I)
2011-11-27 Bert Jones-Fruits of the Spirit-Gentleness
2011-11-20 Dave Cullen------The Pool of Bethesda
2011-11-13 Bob Brown - Christian Fellowship
2011-11-09 Johnny Yow----Count Your Blessings
2011-11-06 Ray Clark------II Peter Chapter 2
2011-11-02 Clark Johnson------An Appointment With Christ
2011-10-30 Rudy Jackson - An Open Door
2011-10-26 Ray Bullins---------First Love (Part II)
2011-10-23 Dave Langston--------Life of Elijah (Part VI)
2011-10-19 Ray Bullins--------------First Love
2011-10-16 David Dunlap----------Christ Much Higher than the Angels
2011-10-12 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis 4
2011-10-09 Steve Andrews--------What Are You Thinking About
2011-10-02 Todd Moore------------Life of Peter
2011-09-28 Benjamin---------------Galatians
2011-09-25 Bert Jones--------------Fruits of the Spirit
2011-09-21 Mark Beebee---------John the Baptist
2011-09-14 Mark Beebee---------Samuel
2011-09-11 Don MacMullen-----The Promises of God
2011-09-04 Jeff Johnson--------Bearing Fruit
2011-08-31 Neal Jones----------The Fear of God
2011-08-28 Rudy Jackson--------Solomons Wisdom
2011-08-24 Steve Andrews-------John 3
2011-08-21 Carl Knott------------Prayer
2011-08-17 Mark Beebee--------Samson
2011-08-14 Jim Pendry-----------Nehemiah 9
2011-08-10 Mark Beebee--------Separation (Part I)
2011-08-07 Ray Clark------------II Peter
2011-07-31 Dave Langston-----Elijah (Part V)
2011-07-27 Jeff Johnson--------Mysteries of the New Testament (Part II)
2011-07-24 Dave Cullen---------Phillipians 4
2011-07-20 Jeff Johnson--------Mysteries of the New Testament (Part I)
2011-07-17 Steve Andrews-----Famines (Part II)
2011-07-03 Steve Andrews-----Famines (Part I)
2011-06-26 Jeff Johnson--------Psalm 44
2011-06-15 Ray Clark------------II Peter
2011-06-12 Dave Cullen------------Phillipians 3
2011-06-08 Randy Caviness-----Abraham
2011-06-05 Todd Moore------------Making a Difference for Christ
2011-06-01 Randy Caviness-----Abraham
2011-05-29 Dave Langston------Elijah--Part IV
2011-05-25 Ray Clark----------------II Peter
2011-05-22 Chris Shroeder-----Signposts Along the Way
2011-05-15 Jim Pendry------ Nehemiah 8
2011-05-08 Bert Jones------------Lessons From Hannah
2011-05-04 Kenneth Johnson----The Sin of Mankind
2011-05-01 Ray Bullins ---------- Jude Part 1
2011-04-24 Dave Cullen--------- The Centrality of the Resurrection
2011-04-20 Clark Robinson------Colossians Chapter 2
2011-04-17 Ray Clark-------------IIPeter1
2011-04-13 Randy Caviness-----Genesis 13
2011-04-10 Jeff Johnson ------- Samson
2011-04-06 Johnny Yow---------Meeting the Needs of Others
2011-04-03 Todd Moore---------The Life of Andrew
2011-03-27 Jim Pendry --------- Nehemiah 7
2011-03-20 Rudy Jackson----The Sin Offering
2011-03-16 Alan Jones-----Haggai (Part III)
2011-03-13 Steve Andrews-----Dealing with Depression
2011-03-09 Alan Jones------Hagai (Part II)
2011-03-06 Dave Langston - Elijah on Mount Carmel
2011-03-02 Alan Jones-----Hagai (Part I)
2011-02-27 Bert Jones-----The Fruit of the Spirit--Love
2011-02-23 Dave Langston----Elijah (Part II)
2011-02-20 Jeff Johnson - God's Name is Jealous
2011-02-16 Dave Langston (Part I)
2011-02-09 Neal Jones--------Living the Christian Life
2011-02-06 Ray Clark - 1 Peter 5
2011-01-30 Ray Bullins-----Jude (Part I)
2011-01-26 Randy Caviness------More Precious Than Gold
2011-01-23 Dave Cullen----Keep It Simple
2011-01-12 Jeff Johnson----The Progression of the Lamb (Part II)
2011-01-09 Jim Pendry------Nehemiah Chapter 6
2011-01-05 Jeff Johnson---- The Progression of the Lamb (Part 1)
2011-01-03 Steve Andrews--Pressing Toward the Markl
2010-12-19 Jeff Johnson----The Night Before Christmas
2010-12-15 Johnny Yow----The Longsuffering of God
2010-12-12 Rudy Jackson-- Keep Christ on the Inside
2010-12-08 Tom Wallace------The Birth of Christ
2010-12-05 Ray Clark-------I Peter 5
2010-12-01 Clark Robinson-------The Spirit Filled Life
2010-11-28 Dave Langston - Gideon-Misplaced Affections
2010-11-21 Andy Burgess - Bless the Lord
2010-11-17 Steve Andrews--------Psalm 3
2010-11-14 Larry Price-------The God of all Comfort
2010-11-07 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Peacemakers
2010-11-03 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Merciful
2010-10-31 Ray Clark - I Peter 4_12-19
2010-10-27 Ray Bullins-----Hungering after Righteousness
2010-10-24 Rudy Jackson - Stephen
2010-10-20 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Meek & Mourning
2010-10-17 Jim Pendry-----Nehemiah 4 5
2010-10-13 Ray Bullins---Blessed are the Humble
2010-10-10 Dave Cullen - Our Purpose in Christ
2010-10-06 Randy Caviness-----The Eternal Flame of Fire
2010-10-03 Jeff Johnson----The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
2010-09-26 Dave Steinland-----The Assurance of Salvation
2010-09-22 Neil Jones-----Satan
2010-09-19 Dave Langston-Gideon and the Pursuit of Midian
2010-09-12 Don MacMullen-----The God Who Provides
2010-09-12 Don MacMullen - The God Who Provides
2010-09-08 Bert Jones-----The Fruits of the Spirit
2010-09-01 Bert Jones-----Walking in the Spirit
2010-08-29 Steve Andrews-Bridling the Tongue
2010-08-22 Rudy Jackson----Boasting in the Cross
2010-08-18 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis Chapter 3--Part 3
2010-08-15 Ray Bullins - Psalm 8 Part 2
2010-08-08 Ray Clark-------Peter 3
2010-08-04 Kenneth Johnson ----Genesis 3
2010-08-01 Dave Cullen - Work Because You Love God
2010-07-25 Jeff Johnson-----The Sonship of Jesus Christ
2010-07-14 Alan Jones------The House of God
2010-07-11 Ray Bullins-----Psalm 8
2010-07-07 Alan Jones-----The Church
2010-07-04 Steve Andrews-The Christian Response to Poverty
2010-06-30 John Peck---------Lift Up Your Eyes
2010-06-27 Andy Burgess-------Romans 5
2010-06-23 Jim Pendry-----Nehemiah Chapter 3-4
2010-06-20 Dave Cullen - The Beloved Son
2010-06-13 Rudy Jackson---------Preaching Jesus
2010-06-09 Randy Caviness-----The Holy Spirit (Part II)
2010-06-06 Todd Moore-------------Jesus a Prophecy Fulfilled
2010-06-02 Randy Caviness------The Holy Spirit (Part I)
2010-05-30 Ray Clark--------Remembering The Lord
2010-05-26 Bert Jones-----------The Blood of Jesus Christ
2010-05-23 Jeff Johnson---------Is Your Seat Empty
2010-05-19 AndyBurgess
2010-05-16 Dave Langston-----Philemon Part II
2010-05-12 Ray Clark------------I Peter 3
2010-05-09 Wayne Denny------God Gives Mothers Grace
2010-05-02 Ray Bullins----------The Pursuit of Wisdom
2010-04-11 Rudy Jackson------Our Risen Savior
2010-04-07 Randy Caviness---Seven Things That God Loves
2010-04-04 Steve Andrews-----The Resurection of Christ
2010-03-31 Kenneth Johnson--Genesis Chapter 2
2010-03-28 Ray Bullins----------The Ressurection
2010-03-24 Alan Jones----------God Dwelling in the Church
2010-03-21 Jim Pendry----------Nehemiah Part 1
2010-03-17 Alan Jones----------The Builder of the Church
2010-03-10 Alan Jones----------The Building of the Church (Part I)
2010-03-07 Todd Moore ------- Lay up Your Treasures in Heaven
2010-02-28 Dave Cullen---------Working for the Lord
2010-02-21 Jeff Johnson---------Focusing on Christ
2010-02-17 Bert Jones-----------II John
2010-02-14 Andy Burgess------The Faith of Abraham
2010-02-10 Steve Andrews------I John Part VI
2010-02-07 Ned Stephens ------The Christ Centered Christian
2010-02-03 Steve Andrews------I John Part V
2010-01-27 Steve Andrews------I John Part IV
2010-01-24 Jim Pendry----------Living the Rest of Our Lives
2010-01-20 Steve Andrews------I John Part III
2010-01-17 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part VII)
2010-01-13 Steve Andrews------I John (Part II)
2010-01-10 Dave Dunlap--------How God Saves
2010-01-06 Steve Andrews------I John Introduction
2010-01-03 Ray Clark------------The Body of Believers (Part II)
201-10-01 - Jim Pendry - Baptism
2009-12-27 Todd Moore----------Forgiveness
2009-12-13 Andy Burgess-------What is in a Name
2009-12-09 Dave Dunlap---------Faithfulness of God
2009-12-06 Dave Cullen----------Malachi - The Fear of the Lord
2009-12-02 Randy Caviness----Seven Things that God Hates (Part II)
2009-11-29 Jeff Johnson---------The Continuing Ministry of Christ
2009-11-22 Ray Bullins----------Gideon (Part VI)
2009-11-18 Steve Andrews------Church Order
2009-11-15 Larry Price-----------Not I But Christ
2009-11-11 Larry Price-----------Running the Race
2009-11-08 Dave Langston------Philemon Part 1
2009-11-04 Ray Clark-------------The Body of Believers (Part I)
2009-11-01 Bert Jones------------Phillippians 3 1-17
2009-10-25 Ned Stephens-------Romans 1 - 3
2009-10-18 Jim Pendry-----------The Peace Offering
2009-10-14 Johnny Yow---------Authority
2009-10-11 Carl Knott-------------Psalms 19 Gods Three Witnesses
2009-10-08 Sam Thorpe---------Controllling the Mind
2009-10-07 Kenneth Johnson--Creation (Part )
2009-10-04 Dave Cullen----------Living Up to the Name
2009-09-30 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part V)
2009-09-27 Rudy Jackson------Gods People
2009-09-23 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part IV)
2009-09-20 Ray Clark-------------Submission
2009-09-16 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part III)
2009-09-13 Steve Andrews ---- Galatians Chapter 6
2009-09-09 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part II)
2009-09-06 Andy Burgess-------Romans Chapter 3
2009-08-30 Dave Langston ---- Great Escapes
2009-08-26 Randy Caviness----Seven Things That God Hates (Part I)
2009-08-23 Todd Moore -------- God Looks at the Hear
2009-08-19 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part III)
2009-08-16 Rudy Jackson------Men of God
2009-08-12 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part II)
2009-08-09 Jim Pendry----------The Trespass Offering
2009-08-05 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part I)
2009-08-02 Dave Cullen----------Malachi (Part I)
2009-07-29 Steve Andrews-----Prayer
2009-07-26 Bert Jones-----------Joy
2009-07-22 Dave Langston-----Four Points of Fellowship
2009-07-19 Ned Stephens------The Gospel Message
2009-07-15 Ray Clark------------Teaching
2009-07-12 Steve Andrews-----Epistle to the Galations-Continued
2009-07-08 Dave Croudis--------Missionary
2009-07-05 Ray Bullins----------Gideon (Part I)
2009-06-28 Andy Burgess-------Romans 2
2009-06-21 Dave Langston------The Builders Psalm Part 3
2009-06-10 Kenneth Johnson--Genesis Part II
2009-06-07 Bert Jones------------Creation
2009-06-03 Kenneth Johnson--Creation
2009-05-31 Todd Moore----------Stand Up For Jesus
2009-05-27 Johnny Yow---------Christian Hospitality
2009-05-24 Rudy Jackson------At The Feet of Jesus
2009-05-24 Rudy Jackson------20th Anniversary Message
2009-05-20 Ray Clark------------The Believers Baptism
2009-05-17 Steve Andrews-----Galatians 2 - Our Position In Christ
2009-05-13 Ray Clark-------------Doing What is Right
2009-05-10 Dave Cullen----------Proverbs 31
2009-05-06 Ray Clark------------The Rock of Christ
2009-05-03 Jeff Johnson--------God Will Never Forsake Us
2009-04-29 Ray Bullins----------Christ Preeminent
2009-04-25 Dave Langston-----The Builders Psalm (Part II)
2009-04-19 Nate Thomas-------Romans 7
2009-04-12 Dave Croudis-------The Ressurection of Christ
2009-04-05 Ray Clark------------Priesthood of the Believer
2009-03-29 Rudy Jackson------Springs of Living Water
2009-03-25 Ned Stephens------Ephesians 2
2009-03-22 Ray Bullins-----------Attaining Christian Virtues
2009-03-18 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part III)
2009-03-15 Jim Pendry-----------The Sin Offering
2009-03-11 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part II)
2009-03-08 Bert Jones------------Lessons from Philippians
2009-03-04 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part I)
2009-03-01 Andy Burgess------Romans the Fifth Gospel
2009-02-25 Steve Andrews------Parenting (Part II)
2009-02-22 Todd Moore----------Things that Hinder Service
2009-02-18 Steve Andrews------Christian Parenting (Part I)
2009-02-15 Ned Stephens-------Romans 1-3 The Bad News
2009-02-11 Randy Caviness----Samson (Part III)
2009-02-08 Jeff Johnson---------Substitution
2009-02-01 Steve Andrews-----Galatians Chapter 4
2009-01-28 Jeff Johnson---------The Order of God
2009-01-25 Dave Langston-----The Builder's Psalm (Part I)
2009-01-21 Johnny Yow---------The Power of God
2009-01-18 Ray Bullins ---------Taste and See
2009-01-14 Kenneth Johnson--Who We Are In Christ
2009-01-04 Ray Clark------------The Precious Stone
2008-12-28 Jim Pendry----------The Meal Offering
2008-12-21 Steve Andrews-----The Virgin Birth
2008-12-14 Rudy Jackson------The Purpose of Christ Coming
2008-12-10 Andy Burgess------Glorification
2008-12-07 Bert Jones-----------Christ and the Church (Part III)
2008-12-03 Andy Burgess------Translation
2008-11-30 Todd Moore---------Christians Helping Others
2008-11-19 Ned Stephens------Romans (Part II)
2008-11-16 Steve Andrews-----Galatians Chapter 3
2008-11-12 Ned Stephens------Romans (Part I)
2008-11-09 Bob Brown-----------Johnny and the Eight Cow Wife
2008-11-05 Bob Brown-----------Faithfullness to the Body
2008-11-02 Jeff Johnson--------Justification
2008-10-26 Jim Pendry----------The Will of Christ
2008-10-22 Dave Cullen---------Knowedge
2008-10-19 Keith Keyser-------The Fall of Babylon
2008-10-12 Dave Langston-----Number Our Days (Part 3)
2008-10-08 Randy Caviness----Samson (Part II)
2008-10-05 Ray Bullins----------Garments of the High Priest (Part V)
2008-10-01 Ray Bullins----------Garments of the High Priest (Part IV)
2008-09-28 Ned Stephens------The Need for the Gospel
2008-09-24 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part III)
2008-09-21 Rudy Jackson-------Change
2008-09-17 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part II)
2008-09-14 Ray Clark-------------I Peter Chapter 1
2008-09-10 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part I)
2008-09-07 Don MacMullen------The Man Elijah
2008-08-31 Dave Cullen----------The Full Knowledge of God's Will
2008-08-27 Kenneth Johnson---The Profound Gospel (Part II)
2008-08-24 Todd Moore----------Heroes of the Faith
2008-08-20 Kenneth Johnson---The Profound Gospel (Part 1)
2008-08-17 Steve Andrews------Dead Unto the Law - Alive Unto God
2008-08-13 Andy Burgess-------Union
2008-08-10 Ray Bullins---------- Restoration & Victory
2008-08-06 Andy Burgess-------Adoption
2008-08-03 Jeff Johnson---------What is in a Name
2008-07-23 Bert Jones------------Christ and the Church (Part II)
2008-07-20 Dave Langston------Psalm 90 (Part II)
2008-07-16 Bert Jones-----------Christ and the Church (Part I)
2008-07-13 Jim Pendry-----------Pleasing God
2008-07-09 Dave Cullen----------Abounding
2008-07-06 Ned Stephens-------You Cannot Earn Your Way to Heaven
2008-06-29 Rudy Jackson-------Stand Still and See The Salvation of the Lord
2008-06-25 Bert Jones-----------The Headcovering
2008-06-22 Ray Clark-------------Living in Honor, in Belief and in Love
2008-06-18 Johnny Yow----------Luke 15
2008-06-15 Todd Moore----------On Being a Godly Father
2008-06-11 Randy Caviness----Judges 13
2008-06-08 Ray Bullins ----------God's Departing Glory
2008-06-04 Kenneth Johnson---Our Debt
2008-06-01 Dave Cullen-----------Rest in Christ
2008-05-28 Neal Jones------------Spiritual and Bodily Discipline
2008-05-25 Steve Andrews------Galatians Ch. 2 - Resolving Conflict
2008-05-21 Bert Jones------------Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ
2008-05-18 Jeff Johnson----------The Cleansing of Naaman
2008-05-14 Ned Stephens-------Words From God (Part I)
2008-05-11 Jim Pendry------------A Mothers Love
2008-04-27 Rudy Jackson-------Teaching the Word
2008-04-13 Dave Langston-------Number Our Days (Part I)
2008-04-09 Randy Caviness-----What Believers Know
2008-04-06 Ray Bullins-----------New Creation
2008-04-02 Ray Clark--------------I Peter (Part III)
2008-03-31 Dave Cullen----------Knowledge of God
2008-03-26 Ray Clark--------------I Peter (Part II)
2008-03-23 Ned Stephens------Hebrews 9-14
2008-03-19 Ray Clark-------------I Peter (Part I)
2008-03-12 Ned Stephens------The Old and New
2008-03-09 Todd Moore---------Trusting in Jesus
2008-03-05 Johnny Yow---------The Body
2008-02-27 Neal Jones-----------The Sovereignty of God
2008-02-24 Ray Clark------------Ephesians 5 (Walk in the Spirit)
2008-02-20 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians 1 (Redemption)
2008-02-17 Steve Andrews-----Galatians
2008-02-13 Dave Langston-----Temptation and Trials
2008-02-13 Bert Jones-----------A Balanced View
2008-02-06 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians Ch. 1
2008-02-03 Jim Pendry----------True Riches
2008-01-30 Jason Beverly-------Luke 16
2008-01-27 Rudy Jackson------Joseph
2008-01-23 Ned Stephens------A Blood Sacrifice
2008-01-20 Jeff Johnson---------Seven Promises for the Believer
2008-01-16 Randy Caviness----Jonah(PartIII)
2008-01-13 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians
2008-01-09 Randy Caviness---Jonah (Part II)
2008-01-06 Todd Moore---------Love
2008-01-02 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VII)
2007-12-31 WatchNight--------Part II
2007-12-31 WatchNight--------Part I
2007-12-30 Dave Cullen--------To Live is Christ
2007-12-23 Andy Burgess-----Shepherds
2007-12-12 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VII)
2007-12-09 Ray Bullins---------The Tower of Babel
2007-12-05 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VI)
2007-12-02 Ray Clark-----------Walk in the Will of God
2007-11-25 Dave Langston----The Discipline of God
2007-11-18 Jim Pendry---------Sharing the Gospel
2007-11-14 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part V)
2007-11-11 Rudy Jackson------Finish the Work
2007-11-07 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part IV)
2007-11-04 Jeff Johnson--------The Miracles of the Cross
2007-10-31 Josh Shelley---------------Missionary Speaker
2007-10-28 Andy Burgess------Sanctification
2007-10-24 Randy Caviness---Jonah (Part I)
2007-10-21 Bert Jones----------Our Riches in Christ
2007-10-17 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part III)
2007-10-14 Todd Moore---------Fasting
2007-10-10 Steve Andrews-----Dispensational Theology (Part II)
2007-10-07 Ray Bullins----------The Proven Christ
2007-10-03 Steve Andrews-----Dispensational Theology (Part I)
2007-09-26 Jason Carroll-------Communcating With Bellievers
2007-09-23 Raymond Clark-----Walking in the Light
2007-09-19 Johnny Yow---------The Blood of Jesus
2007-09-16 Jim Pendry----------The Seven "I Am's" (Part II)
2007-09-09 Don MacMullen----Lessons From Amos
2007-09-05 Dave Cullen---------Inside the Veil
2007-09-02 Jeff Johnson--------The Consecration of the Priesthood
2007-08-26 Steve Andrews----Galatians Chapter 1 (Part II)
2007-08-22 Jim Pendry---------The Shipwreck of Paul
2007-08-19 Ray Bullins----------Fail Not the Grace of God
2007-08-12 Rudy Jackson------God Sees
2007-08-05 Dave Langston----The Call of Discipleship
2007-08-01 Todd Moore--------Contentment
2007-07-29 Andy Burgess------Regeneration
2007-07-22 Dave Cullen--------New Covenant Faith
2007-07-15 Bert Jones----------The Christian's True Citizenship
2007-07-08 Jeff Johnson-------The Word of God
2007-06-27 Scott Newcomb -
2006-11-01 - Johnny Yow & Scott Newcomb - Death and Prayer
2005-4-13 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part II
2005-12-25 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 12
2005-12-18 - Jeff Johnson - Humble Yourself as a Child - Mathew 18
2005-12-11- Rudy Jackson - Sorrow in Bethlehem
2005-12-07 - Neil Jones - The Christmas Story
2005-12-04 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapter 4
2005-11-30 - Paul Beverly - Paul Beverly's Testimony
2005-11-27 - Wayne Denny - A Living Hope - 1 Peter 1 _ 3-8
2005-11-13 - Randy Amos - Christian Freedom Part 2 - Galations 5_1
2005-11-13 - Randy Amos - Christian Freedom Part 1 - Galations 5_1
2005-11-09 - Jeff Buckles - Romans 1
2005-11-06 - Ned Stepens - John 12 Part III
2005-11-02 - Jeff Buckles - Gospel Through Dispensation
2005-10-30 - Jeff Johnson - Lessons From the Ark
2005-10-26 - Raymond Clark - Zephaniah 2 - God's Judgement of the Gentiles
2005-10-23 - Ray Clark - God's Judgement of the Gentiles - Zephaniah 2
2005-10-19 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom - Part 2
2005-10-16 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 11
2005-10-13 - Jabe Nicholson - The Simple Truth of the Gospel
2005-10-12 - Jabe Nikolson - My Friend
2005-10-11 - Jabe Nicholson - What Makes Life Worth Living
2005-10-10 - Jabe Nicholson - Five Questions
2005-10-09 - Jabe Nicholson - Parable of the Vineyard - Mark 12
2005-10-09 - Jabe Nicholson - Is Peace Possible In Today's World_
2005-10-05 - Steve Andrews - Prayer Part 2
2005-10-02 - Ray Bullins - Fear of God
2005-09-28 - The Day of the Lord - Zephaniah 1
2005-09-25 - Ned Stephens - John 12
2005-09-21 - Steve Andrews - Prayer Part 1
2005-09-18 - Good News On the Move - Testimonies
2005-09-11 - Don Macmullen - The Storms of Life
2005-09-10 - Marilyn MacMullen - When Trouble Comes - Lady's Luncheon
2005-09-04 - Ray Bullins - Noah Shut In
2005-08-31 - Paul Bramsen - Missionary to Senegal, Africa
2005-08-28 - Rudy Jackson - A Challenge to Mature
2005-08-24 - Johnny Yow - Adoption As Sons
2005-08-21 - Jeff Johnson - A Question of the Heart - Luke 7
2005-08-17 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom
2005-08-14 - Ned Stephens - Christ In Control - John 12
2005-08-10 - Dave Langston - Meeting Other's Needs - The One Anothers
2005-08-07 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapter 3
2005-07-31 - Jerry Denny - Parables
2005-07-27 - Mike Moody - New Testament Beliefs
2005-07-24 - Ray Clark - Zephaniah - Battle of the Baals
2005-07-20 - Mike Moody - Things Taken and Added
2005-07-13 - Mike Finney - The Greatest Law
2005-07-10- Rudy Jackson - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 2
2005-07-10 - Rudy Jackson - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 1
2005-07-06 - Mike Finney - Patriots and Traitors
2005-07-03 - Andy Burgess - Biblical Food - Ecclesiastes 10
2005-06-26- Steve Andrews - The Gray Areas
2005-06-22 - Bert Jones - Wisdom
2005-06-19 - Jeff Johnson - Father's Day Message
2005-06-12 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapters 1 and 2
2005-06-08 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part VII
2005-06-05 - Ray Bullins - Resolving Conflicts - Philemon
2005-06-01 - John Jimo - Forgiveness - Lessons From Joseph
2005-05-29 - Wayne Denny - Trials and Tribulations - Romans 5 1 - 7
2005-05-25 - Ray Bullins - Christ First - Colossians I Part II
2005-05-18 - Ray Bullins - Christ First - Colossians 1 Part 1
2005-05-15- Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 9
2005-05-11 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part VI
2005-05-08 - Rudy Jackson - Mother's of the Bible - Mother's Day
2005-05-04 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ - Part V
2005-05-01 - Todd Moore - Gideon - Judges 6
2005-04-27 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ - Part IV
2005-04-20- Jeff Johnson - Joeph A Type of Christ - Part III
2005-04-17 - Jerry Denny - Personal Testimony
2005-04-10 - Jeff Johnson - The Humanity of Christ
2005-04-06 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part 1
2005-04-03 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 14 Part 2
2005-03-30 - Ned Stephens - Hebrewes
2005-03-27 - Steve Andrews - The Authority and Rejection of Christ
2005-03-20 - Andy Burgess - Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 2
2005-03-09 - Bert Jones - How Do You Know That You're Saved
2005-03-06 - Mithra Satuluri - Sunday Morning
2005-03-05 - Dave Langston - One Another - I Corinthians 13_ 1-3
2005-02-27 - Steve Andrews - Daniel 12
2005-02-23 - Sam Thorpe - 7 Principles for Eliminating Stress
2005-02-20 - Ned Stephen - John 12
2005-02-16 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews
2005-02-09 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews
2005-02-02 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews 1
2005-01-26 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews 2
2005-01-23 - Mark Beebe - Leaven
2005-01-16 - Todd Moore - Less of Self, More of Christ
2005-01-09 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 14 Part 1
2005-01-02 - Jeff Johnson - Isaiah 53_12 - Seven Spoils of Christ's Victory
2004-12-29 - Wayne Denny - Unity In Christ - Ephesians
2004-12-26 - Wayne Denny - Overview of the Book of Philippians
2004-12-22 - Mark Beebe - The Life of Jacob Part VIII
2004-12-19 - Ned Stephens - Jesus Came to Save Sinners - 1 Timothy 1_15
2004-12-12 - Jerry Denny - The Transfiguration - Luke 9 _ 28-36
2004-12-08 - AJ Covell - What is Worship
2004-12-01 - Paul Bramson - Missions to Muslims
2004-11-28 - Ray Bullins - Give Thanks
2004-11-24 - Cecil Cottrell - Redemption
2004-11-21 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 8
2004-11-17 - Dave Langston - Lessons From Josiiah
2004-11-03 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part IV
2004-11-03 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 4
2004-10-31 - Steve Andrews - Daniel 11
2004-10-27 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part III
2004-10-27 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 3
2004-10-24 - Ned Stephens - Divine Imperatives - John's Gospel - Relation of God the Father to His Son
2004-10-20 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 2
2004-10-17 - Jeff Johnson - Isaiah 59 16
2004-10-13 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible - Part 1
2004-10-10 - Bob Brown - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 2
2004-10-10 - Bob Brown - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 1
2004-10-06 - Steve Andrews - Angels Part - Daniel 10
2004-10-03 - Steve Andrews - Angels Part 1 - Daniel 10
2004-09-26 - Ray Bullins - Ephesians 2 1-10 Part 2
2004-09-19 - Mark Beebe - Love One Another - 1 John 2 - 6-11
2004-09-12 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 7 - Part 2
2004-09-05 - Todd Moore - A Godly Husband
2004-08-22 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 13
2004-08-18 - Mark Beebe - The Life of Jacob - Part 1
2004-08-17 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom
2004-08-15 - Jerry Denny - Preparation for Discipleship - Mathew 16 13-28
2004-08-01 - Ned Stephens - Divine Imeratives - John's Gospel
2004-07-28 - Steve Andrews - The Role of Deacons
2004-07-25 - Steve Whitter - The Recipe For Great Faith - Luke 7 _ 1-10
2004-07-21 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3_12 - 4_8
2004-07-21 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3 _ 12 - 4 _ 8
2004-07-14 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3_1-14
2004-07-14 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy 3_ 1-14
2004-07-11 - Ray Bullins - Ephesians 2 _ 1-10
2004-07-04 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes
2004-06-30 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy Chapter 2_15-26
2004-06-30 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy - Chapter 2_ 15-26
2004-06-23 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy Chapter 2_1 -14
2004-06-23 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy Chapter 2_ 1-14
2004-06-20 - Steve Andrews - Lessons From the Prodigal Son - Father's Day Message
2004-06-16 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy Chapter 1 _ 6-14
2004-06-13 - Rudy Jacksonn - The Holy Spirit
2004-06-13 - Rudy Jackson - The Holy Spirit
2004-06-09 - Jeff Buckles - Relationships With Unbelievers
2004-06-02 - Ray Bullins - Introduction to II Timothy
2004-06-02 - Ray Bullins - Introduction to 2 Timothy
2004-05-30 - Ned Stephens - The Road to Jerusalem
2004-05-27 - Ray Clark - Israel's Deliverance and Salvation - Zechariah 12
2004-05-19 - Ned Stephens - Luke 20
2004-05-16 - Jeff Johnson - Marriage
2004-05-12 - Joseph of India - John 10 _ 10
2004-05-09 - Todd Moore - Christian Mother's - Mother's Day Message
2004-05-02 - Ray Clark - Rejection of the True Shepherd - Zechariah 11
2004-04-25 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 6
2004-04-20 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part II
2004-03-14 - Ray Bullins - Walking In The Spirit - Romans 8_ 1 -17
2004-03-07 - Rudy Jackson - Controlling the Mind - Romans 7_15-25
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church Part 1 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 3 B
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 3 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 2 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 2 B