Ro 10:13-15 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
Click Any Message to Play in New Window or Right Click and Choose Save as to Save to your Computer
2025-03-12 - Tim Patterson - The Two Gates
2025-03-09 - Jeff Johnson - Parables of Sower - Wheat and Tares
2025-03-05 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 20 Loving God
2025-03-02 - Bert Jones - James Chapter 5
2025-02-26 - Dave Cullen- Psalm 119 Intro
2025-02-23 - Dave Langston - Zeph - Part 1
2025-02-19 - Jacob Moore - Living Intentionally
2025-02-16 - Ray Bullins - Mark - Hope of the Resurrection
2025-02-12 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 13 - Intro to Kingdom Parables
2025-02-09 - Steve Andrews - Purpose of the Law
2025-02-05 - Jerry Denny - 1Peter 1
2025-02-02 - Tim Patterson - Blessed are the Merciful
2025-01-29 - Andrew Jones - The Importance of Prayer
2025-01-26 - Tim Hughes - Gods Sovereignty
2025-01-22 - Dave Cullen - Hospitality
2025-01-19 - Bert Jones - The Humble Shall Be Exalted
2025-01-05 - Jeff Johnson - 2025 Challenge
2024-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Watchnight - Passing the Mantle
2024-12-29 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 19
2024-12-22 - Tim Patterson - A Supernatural Christmas
2024-12-15 - Ray Bullins - Mark 15 Part 2 - Christ on The Cross
2024-12-11 - jeff Johnson-Romans 12 verse 2 part 2
2024-12-08 - Dave Langston - Nahum
2024-12-04 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 18 - Jethro
2024-12-01 - Bert Jones - Humility Before the Lord
2024-11-24- Todd Moore - John Chapter 16
2024-11-17 - Jeff Johnson - Romans 12_2
2024-11-13 - Shawn Prince- Testimony
2024-11-10 - Bert Jones - On Gods Side Not The Worlds
2024-11-06 - Dave Cullen -Lies and lying
2024-11-03 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 17 - Water and War
2024-10-30 - Alan Jones - Christ High Priesthood - Part 3
2024-10-27 - Dave Langston - Obadiah
2024-10-23 - Alan Jones - Christ High Priesthood - Part 2
2024-10-20 - Tim Patterson - Matt 5_5 - Blessed are the Meek -1
2024-10-16 - Alan Jones -Christ High Priesthood - Hebrews
2024-10-15 - Bert Jones - Biblical Eldership
2024-10-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 15 - Christ Before Pilate
2024-10-09 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 16 - The Bread of Life
2024-10-06 - Bert Jones - James 4 - Spiritual Warfare
2024-10-02 - Dave Cullen - Praise
2024-09-29 - Jeff Johnson - The Lord's Supper
2024-09-25 - Jeff Johnson - Spiritual Gifts
2024-09-22 - Todd Moore - John 15-16 -
2024-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - Gifts of the Spirit
2024-09-15 - Steve Andrews - Miriaum and marah
2024-09-11 - Tim Patterson - Matthew 5 - The Beatitudes
2024-09-08 - Tim Hughes - Acts 4
2024-09-04 - Jerry Denny - Isaiah Chapter 40
2024-09-01 - Bert Jones - James 3 Godly vs Worldly Wisdom
2024-08-28 - Jacob Moore - The 5 Senses
2024-08-25 - Tim Patterson - Mat chapter 5; The Beatitudes
2024-08-21 - Dave Cullen -Psalms 103 Mercy of God
2024-08-18 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 - Part 3 - Jesus Betrayed
2024-08-14 - John Yount - Testimony
2024-08-11 - Dave Langston - A Tale of Two Nations
2024-08-07 - Jeff Johnson - Gods "Do" Order
2024-08-04 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 15 - Song of Moses Continued
2024-07-31 - Tim Hughes - Acts 3 Peters exortation
2024-07-28 - Todd Moore - Abiding in Christ
2024-07-24 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 - Part 2
2024-07-21 - Jeff Johnson - The Captured Ark
2024-07-17 - Steve Andrews Exodus 15 Song of Moses
2024-07-14 - Tim Hughes - Acts 3;16
2024-07-10 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 103 Gods Benifits
2024-07-07 - Bert Jones - James 3 - Taming the Tongue
2024-06-26 - Steve Andrews
2024-06-23 - Ray Bullins - Mark 14 :1-26 - Extravagant Love
2024-06-16 - Eric Smith - The Love Of Christ Compels Us
2024-06-12 - Jeff Johnson - Davids Heart To Build the Temple
2024-06-09 - Steve Andrews - Ezra 3 - The Work of God
2024-06-05 - Tim Patterson - The Kingdom of Heavan
2024-06-02 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 13 - Pre Travel Instructions
2024-05-26 - Todd Moore - John 14
2024-05-22 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 12 Part 2
2024-05-19 - Bert Jones - Legalism vs Love
2024-05-12 - Jeff Johnson - Mothers Day
2024-05-08 - Jacob Moore - Psalm 1
2024-05-05 - Tim Hughes - Acts Chapter 3
2024-05-01 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings 3
2024-04-30 - Ray Bullins - The Lord's Supper
2024-04-28 - Tim Patterson - Matt 4 - Part 2
2024-04-24 - Jeff Johnson - Solomons Prayer
2024-04-14 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 22
2024-04-07 - Steve Andrews - Unleaven Bread
2024-03-31 - Tim Hughes - Acts 2 The Menestry of The Holy Spirit
2024-03-24 - Bert Jones - Faith Leads to Action
2024-03-17 - Ray Bullins - Mark 13
2024-03-06 - Tim Hughes - Acts 2 - The Holy Spirit
2024-03-03 - Todd Moore - John 14 - The Holy Spirit
2024-02-28 - Jerry Dennny - Command, Call, Plea & A Commission
2024-02-25 - Tim Patterson - Matthew 4:12-17
2024-02-21 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings Chapter 2 Verses 1-4
2024-02-18 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 12 - Passover intro
2024-02-14 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Kings Chapter 1
2024-02-11 - Dave Langston - Revelation 21
2024-02-07 - Andrew Jones - Glorifying the Lord
2024-02-04 - Tim Hughes - Intro to Acts - Part 2
2024-01-28 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 34
2024-01-24 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 11 - The Final Plagu
2024-01-21 - Bert Jones - Sin of Prejudice
2024-01-17 - Tim Patterson - Third Temptation of Christ
2024-01-14 - Ray Bullins- Mark 12_28-44 - Love and Lordship
2024-01-10 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 9_13 -10 - Hailstone,Bugs and Darkness
2024-01-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 24
2024-01-05 - Jeff Johnson - 2025 Challenge
2024-01-03 - Jacob Moore - Preminence of Christ
2023-12-31 - Todd Moore
2023-12-31 - Bert Jones - Watch NIght
2023-12-24- Tim Patterson The Meaning of Christmas
2023-12-17 - Dave Langston - Rev 20 - Part 2
2023-12-13 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 23 Davids Mighty Men
2023-12-10 - Steve Andrews - Gods Purpose on Display
2023-12-06 - Jerry Denny - A Realizatin of the Brevity of Life
2023-12-03 - Bert Jones -James Chapter 1 Part 2
2023-11-26 - Tim Hughes - Intro to Acts
2023-11-19 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 23
2023-11-15 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 8-9
2023-11-12 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another Part 3
2023-11-08 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptations of Christ Part 2
2023-11-05 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 13:18-38
2023-11-01 - Jacob Moore - The Lords Words From the Cross
2023-10-29 - Ray Bullins - Mark 12 Who's Authority
2023-10-25 - Justin Wallace - Tanzania
2023-10-22 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 22
2023-10-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 22 Part 2
2023-10-15 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 7
2023-10-11 - John Yount -1Pet 5
2023-10-08 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptation of Christ
2023-10-04 - Jerry Denny - Psalm Chapter 46
2023-10-01 - Bert Jones - James 1 - Wisdom in Traps
2023-09-27 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 22
2023-09-24 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another Part 2
2023-09-20 - Steve Andrews - The Action Begins
2023-09-17 - Tim Hughes - Christian Joy
2023-09-13 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 4 Temptations of Christ
2023-09-10 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 21-22
2023-09-06 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 6 1-13 --The Action Begins
2023-09-03 - Bert Jones - Faith Tested in Trials
2023-08-30 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 6
2023-08-27 - Todd Moore - Jesus Washing The Disciples Feet
2023-08-23 - Bert Jones - Capital Commission
2023-08-20 - Dave Langston - Return Of The King
2023-08-16 - Jerry Denny - Psalm Chapter 73
2023-08-13 - Tim Patterson - Why Did Satan Temped Jesus
2023-08-09 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 21
2023-08-02 - Jeff Johnson
2023-07-30 - Steve Andrews - Exodus Chapter 4-5 Gods Classroom
2023-07-26 - Tim Patterson - The Person Nature and Roles of Christ - Part II
2023-07-23 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Kings 19 - The Return of the King
2023-07-19 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 4:1-17 - Moses The Reluctant Servant
2023-07-16 - Tim Hughes -Leave No Doupt
2023-07-13 - Joshua Jones - For the Lord
2023-07-09 - Bert Jones - 2 Tim - Final Thoughts
2023-07-02 - Dave Cullen - Love One Another
2023-06-28 - Randy Caviness - Exodus
2023-06-25 - Ray Bullins - Mark 11 - Looking for Fruit
2023-06-21 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 18
2023-06-18 - Tim Patterson - The Person, Nature and Roles of Christ
2023-06-14 - Neal Jones - The Story of Rahab
2023-06-11 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 3 - The Call of God
2023-06-07 - John Yount - 1 Peter Chapter 4
2023-06-04 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 12
2023-05-31 - Jacob Moore - 1 John Chapter 3
2023-05-28 - Tim Hughes - Gal 5:7-15
2023-05-24 - Stephen Roughton - Missionary Update
2023-05-21 - Dave Cullen - Believers Facing Apocracy
2023-05-17 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 17
2023-05-14 - Bert Jones - Mothers Day
2023-05-10 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 16
2023-05-07 - Tim Patterson - Baptism Of Jesus
2023-05-03 - Jerry Denny - The Challenge's To Timothy And Titus In Their Life As Believers
2023-04-30 - Dave Langston - Rev 19 - The Marriage Supper
2023-04-26 - Tim Patterson - Mathew Chapter 3 Part 2
2023-04-23 - Steve Andrews - Exodus acts 1-3
2023-04-19 - Justin Wallace - True Wisdom
2023-04-16 - Tim Hughes - Galations 5;1-6 2
2023-04-12 - Jerry Denny - The Gospel in Philippians
2023-04-09 - Jeff Johnson - Easter
2023-04-05 - Tim Patterson - Baptism
2023-04-02 - Ray Bullins - What do you want from me
2023-03-26- Todd Moore-Response To The Seventh Sign; Raising of Lazarus From the Dead
2023-03-22 - Steve Andrews - Exodus 1 Setting The Stage
2023-03-19 -Dave Cullen - Studys in Jude
2023-03-12 - Tim Patterson -Mathew Chapter 3
2023-03-05 - Bert Jones - 2 Tim 3- Last Days
2023-02-26 - Ray Bullins - Children and Rulars
2023-02-19 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 15 - Absalom's Rebellion
2023-02-12 - Tim Hughes - Galatians 4 - Sons of God
2023-02-05 - Steve Andrews -Not Me but Thee
2023-01-29 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 18
2023-01-25 - Jerry Denny - 1 John 3
2023-01-22 - Todd Moore -Jesus Raising Lazarus
2023-01-18 - Jerry Denny
2023-01-15 - Bert Jones - II Timothy Chapter 2
2023-01-11 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 11-13 - Pauls Plea
2023-01-08 - Tim Patterson - Matthew Chapter 8
2023-01-04 - Justin Wallace - Ruth Chapter 4
2023-01-01 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 14 - Absaloms Return
2022-12-28 - Jacob Moore - 1John 2:15-22
2022-12-18 - Dave Cullen - 2:10-11 - Fear Not
2022-12-11 - Tim Hughes - Gal 3:22 - 4:7
2022-12-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 13 Part 2
2022-12-04 - Steve Andrews - The Believers Warfare
2022-11-30 - John Yount - 1 Peter 3
2022-11-27 - Ray Bullins - Mark 10:1-16
2022-11-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 16 & 17
2022-11-16 - Dave Cullen -Jude Part 7-11
2022-11-13 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 13
2022-11-09 - Eric Smith - Share the Gospel
2022-11-06 - Bert Jones - 2 Timothy Chapter 2 being Gods steward
2022-11-02 - Steve Andrews - II Corinthians Ch 8 & 9 - Principles of Giving
2022-10-30 - Tim Patterson - Matt 1 - Part2
2022-10-26 - Steve Andrews - Paul's Split Personality
2022-10-23 - Todd Moore - John 10:22-42 In His Hands
2022-10-19 - Bert Jones - II Timothy 2:3 & 4 - The Lord's Army
2022-10-16 - Dave Cullen - Jude 5-6 - Characteristics of Apostasy
2022-10-12 - Ray Bullins - Mark 9:32 - Greatness
2022-10-09 - Tim Hughes - Galatians -
2022-10-02 - Tim Patterson - Matt 1 - Genealogy of Christ
2022-10-02 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 6 - Join us Not Them
2022-09-28 - Jerry Denny - 1John 5:6-21 - The Test of Being Born Again
2022-09-25 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 15-16
2022-09-21 - Justin Wallace - Ruth Chapter 2 & 3
2022-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 12 Part 2
2022-09-14 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 12
2022-09-11 - Bert Jones -2 Timothy Chapter 1 verses 5-9
2022-09-07 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 11
2022-09-04 - Ray Bullins - Mark 9 9-32
2022-08-27 - Todd Moore - John 10 The Good Shepherd
2022-08-24 - Jerry Denny - 1 John Overcoming the Enemy
2022-08-21 - Dave Cullen - Contending for the Faith
2022-08-17 - Bert Jones
2022-08-14 - Tim Hughes - Galations Chapter 3 19-25
2022-08-10 - Jerry Denny - I John 4:7 - 5:3
2022-08-07 - Tim Patterson - Introduction to Matthew
2022-08-03 - Jeff Johnson -David and Bathsheba
2022-07-31 - Dave Langston - Revelation 14:14-20
2022-07-27 - Bert Jones - 1 Timothy Chapter 6
2022-07-24 - Steve Andrews - Baptism
2022-07-20 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 3:15-18
2022-07-17 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Samuel Chapter 10
2022-07-13 - John Yount - 1 Peter 2
2022-07-10 - Bert Jones - Trials and Grief
2022-06-26 - Dave Cullen - Psalm 2 - The Nations Rage
2022-06-22 - Bert Jones - 1 Tim 5 - Elders
2022-06-19 - Tim Patterson - Tabernacle
2022-06-12 - Todd Moore - John 9- We Beleive
2022-06-08 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 5 1-21 Ambassadors for Christ
2022-06-05 - Tim Hughes - Galatians 3:6-14
2022-06-01 - Justin Wallace -Esther
2022-05-29 - Ray Bullins - Mark 8:22-38
2022-05-25 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 5:1-10 The Eternal vs Temporal
2022-05-18 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 9
2022-05-18 - Bert Jones
2022-05-15 - Steve Andrews - II Corinthians Chapter 4
2022-05-11 - Joshua Jones - John Chapter 6 - The Bread of Life
2022-05-08 - Bert Jones - Mothers Day
2022-05-04 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 8
2022-05-01 - Dave Langston - Revelation 14
2022-04-27 - Jeff Johnson - 2Sam 7:18-29
2022-04-24 - Tim Hughes - Galations; On fire
2022-04-20 - Jacob Moore -1 John Chapter 2 Verses 1-14
2022-04-17 - Tim Patterson - Day of Atonement
2022-04-13 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel 7:1-17
2022-04-10 - Dave Cullen - Looking to Jerusalem
2022-04-06 - John Yount - 1 Peter 2
2022-04-03 - Neal Jones - Adversity
2022-03-27 - Todd Moore - John 1:1-9
2022-03-23 - Mark Beebe - Lord's Supper
2022-03-20 - Steve Andrews - 2Cor 2:12-3:17
2022-03-16 - Mark Beebe - What is the New Testament --- Part 2
2022-03-13 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 6
2022-03-09 - Mark Beebe - What is the New Testament---Part I
2022-03-06 - Tim Patterson - The Atonement
2022-03-02 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 5
2022-02-27 - Tim Hughes - Gal 3:1-5
2022-02-23 - Todd Moore - John 8:31-59
2022-02-20 - Dave Langston - Revalation Chapter 13
2022-02-16 - Jerry Denny- The Works of The Godhead and the Enemy
2022-02-13 - Bert Jones -1 Timothy Chapter 4
2022-02-09 - Jerry Denny - Expectations at Christ Coming
2022-02-06 - Dave Cullen - Proverbs 1
2022-02-02 - Joshua Jones - Unity
2022-01-30 - Ray Bullins - Mark 7 & 8
2022-01-23 - Steve Andrews - 2 Cor 2 - Bringing Good Through Discipline
2022-01-02 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 4
2021-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Watchnight
2021-12-26 - Tim Hughes - Gal 2:11-21
2021-12-22 - Jacob Moore - Immanuel
2021-12-19 - Dave Langston - A Christmas Message
2021-12-12 - Steve Andrews - 2 Corinthians Chapter 1
2021-12-08 - Justin Wallace - Ruth 1
2021-12-05 - Tim Patterson - The Tabernacle
2021-11-28 - Todd Moore - John 8:1-20
2021-11-21 - Bert Jones - Psalm 100 - A Psalm of Thanksgiving
2021-11-14 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 3:22-39
2021-11-07 - Ray Bullins - Mark - Chapter 7
2021-10-31 - Dave Cullen - Mysteries of God
2021-10-17 - Tim Hughes - Gal 2:1-10
2021-10-10 - Steve Andrews -2 Corinthians Introduction
2021-10-02 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel 3:1-21
2021-09-29 - Mark Swaim - Messages of Ezekiel
2021-09-26 - Ray Bullins - Jesus walks on water
2021-09-22 - Tim Patterson - Approaching a Holy God
2021-09-19 - Todd Moore - John 8:1-11
2021-09-15 - Steve Andrews - Are we Ready
2021-09-12 - Bert Jones -1 Timothy Chapter 2 Prayer
2021-09-08 - Tim Patterson - The Last Trumpet
2021-09-05 - Dave Langston - Rev 12
2021-09-01 - John Yount - 1 Peter 1:13-25
2021-08-29 - Dave Cullen - Mysteries of the Bible
2021-08-25 - Ray Bullins - Feeding the five thousand
2021-08-22 - Steve Andrews -Give to the Lord and His People
2021-08-18 - Jerry Denny - 1John 2:18-29
2021-08-15 - Jeff Johnson - 2 Sam 2
2021-08-11 - Jeff Johnson
2021-08-08 - Tim Hughes - Lessons Learned From Camp Jubilee
2021-08-01 - Bert Jones - I Timothy 2
2021-07-28 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 15:36
2021-07-25 - Tim Patterson - Marriage Supper of the Lamb
2021-07-21 - Steve Andrews -1 Cor 15 Part 2
2021-07-18 - Ray Bullins - Mark 6 - Life and Death of John the Baptist
2021-07-14 - Jeff Johnson - II Samuel Chapter 1
2021-07-11 - Dave Langston - Baptism
2021-07-08 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-08 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-07 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen pm
2021-07-07 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood am
2021-07-06 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-06 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-05 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen pm
2021-07-05 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood am
2021-07-04 - Todd Moore - John 7
2021-07-04 - Skyland 2021 - Nate Bramsen am
2021-07-04 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-07-03 - Skyland 2021 - Mike Attwood pm
2021-06-27 - Dave Cullen - The God of Jonah
2021-06-23 - Tim Patterson
2021-06-20 - Steve Andrews - Father's Day
2021-06-16 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 31 II Samuel 1
2021-06-13 - Bert Jones - I Timothy 1:12-20
2021-06-09 - Tim Patterson
2021-06-06 - Jeff Johnson
2021-06-02 - Dave Cullen - The Testimony of Jonah
2021-05-30 - Tim Hughes - Galations 1:11-24
2021-05-26 - Jacob Moore -1John - Walk in The Light
2021-05-23 - Ray Bullins - Mark 6:7-13
2021-05-19 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 14 - Order in the Church
2021-05-16 - Tim Patterson - The Miracle of Pentecost
2021-05-12 - John Yount- 1 Peter 1
2021-05-09 - Dave Langston - Mothers Day
2021-05-02 - Todd Moore - John 6
2021-04-25 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5:35 - 6:6
2021-04-25 - Jeff Johnson -1Sam 29
2021-04-21 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5:21-34
2021-04-18 - Bert Jones - 1Tim 1-11
2021-04-14 - Jeff Johnson - 1Sam 28
2021-04-11 - Dave Cullen - Jonah, Running From the Lord
2021-04-07 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 27
2021-04-04 - Steve Andrews - What Does the Ressurection Mean to You
2021-03-31 - Jerry Denny - 1John 2:1
2021-03-28 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 11
2021-03-21 - Ray Bullins - Mark 5 - The Demoniac
2021-03-17 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 14- What is Going On Here_
2021-03-14 - Tim Patterson
2021-03-10 - Jerry Denny - I John Chapter 1
2021-03-07 - Todd Moore - John 6 - Feeding of the Five Thousand
2021-03-03 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 26
2021-02-28 - Tim Hughes -Gal 1:6-10
2021-02-24 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 10
2021-02-21 - Dave Cullen - Jonah 1- The Call
2021-02-17 - Tim Patterson - Resurrection
2021-02-10 - Tim Patterson
2021-02-07 - Bert Jones - 1 Timothy Intro
2021-02-03 - Justin Wallace - Prohecies of Christ
2021-01-31 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4:33 - 41 Storms Rightly Borne
2021-01-27 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 13 -Perfect Love Cast Out Fear
2021-01-24 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 9
2021-01-20 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 13 Love Illustrated
2021-01-17 - Tim Patterson - 3 days
2021-01-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4
2021-01-10 - Todd Moore - John 4:46 - 5:47
2021-01-06 - John Yount - 1Peter 1:1-9
2021-01-03 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 12:28 - 13:13 - Why So Many List
2020-12-27 - Bert Jones - Philippians 3
2020-12-20 - Jeff Johnson - Matthew 2:1-4
2020-12-13 - Rudy Jackson - The Mystery of Christmas
2020-12-09 - Jerry Denny - Precious Things
2020-12-06 - Dave Cullen - John 1:14 The Word Became Flesh
2020-12-02 - Jerry Denny - Psalms of Ascent - Psalm 132-134
2020-11-29 - Ray Bullins- Give Thanks
2020-11-22 - Bert Jones - The Person of Satan
2020-11-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 25
2020-11-15 - Tim Patterson The Passover
2020-11-11 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 24
2020-11-08 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 12:12-31 A Spiritual Body
2020-11-01 - Dave Langston - Rev 8
2020-10-25 - Todd Moore - John Chapter 4
2020-10-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 23
2020-10-11 - Ray Bullins - Mark 3:13 - 4:20
2020-10-04 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 12 - Spiritual Gifts
2020-09-27 - Tim Hughes - Galatians Chapter 1
2020-09-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 7
2020-09-13 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 12 - The Work of the Holy Spirit
2020-09-09 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon Ch 2
2020-09-06 - Bert Jones - 2Thes 2:1-12
2020-09-02 - Justin Wallace - Matt 26
2020-08-30 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel Chapter 22
2020-08-26 - Ray Bullins - Mark 2:22 - 3:13
2020-08-23 - Jim Pendry - 1Kings 21 - Sin's Destruction
2020-08-19 - Ray Bullins - Mark 1:40 - 2:22 - Authority Over Sin
2020-08-16 - Tim Patterson -The Last Supper
2020-08-12 - Bert Jones - 2Thes 1
2020-08-09 - Rudy Jackson - Hosea 14 - Bring With You Words
2020-08-05 - Dave Langston - Revelation - Chapter 6
2020-08-02 - Todd Moore - John 3
2020-07-29 - Josh Mullins - Hope Academy
2020-07-26 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 11 - The Lord's Supper
2020-07-22 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel 20 & 21
2020-07-19 - Bert Jones - 1 Thes 5 - The Church Family
2020-07-15 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 20
2020-07-12 - Dave Langston - Revelation - Chapt 5
2020-07-08 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 19
2020-07-05 - Todd Moore - Jesus Cleanses the Temple - John 2 11-25
2020-07-01 - Tim Patterson - The Passover - part 2
2020-06-28 - Ray Bullins - Mark 2- A Sunday with Jesus
2020-06-24 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 11 - Headship -Part 2
2020-06-21 - Jeff Johnson - Father's Day
2020-06-17 - Steve Andrews - 1Cor 11 - Headship Sets the Stage
2020-06-14 - Jim Pendry - Fear
2020-06-10 - Justin Wallace- Lessons in humility from the donkey
2020-06-07 - Jerry Denny - Hope
2020-06-03 - Tim Patterson - Lev 23 - Passover
2020-05-31 - Bert Jones -1 Thes 5
2020-05-27 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 4
2020-05-24 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 18
2020-05-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 3
2020-05-17 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 10 Incompatible Unions
2020-05-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 1 - Intro -
2020-05-10 - Todd Moore - Mothers Day
2020-05-03 - Jim Pendry - Motive for Service -1
2020-04-29 - Tim Patterson - The Sabbath Rest
2020-04-26 - Ray Bullins - Rom 15:4 - 16
2020-04-22 - Steve Andrews
2020-04-19 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 2-3
2020-04-15 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 129-131
2020-04-12 - Bert Jones - Resurrection
2020-04-08 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 126-128
2020-04-05 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 17 David and Goliath
2020-04-01 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 9 - Paul's Example of Sacrifice
2020-03-29 - Todd Moore - John The Baptist
2020-03-25 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 16
2020-03-11 - Steve Andrews - I Cor 8
2020-03-11 - Ray Bullins - Rom 14-15:7 Judgement, Freedom and Christ Likeness
2020-03-08 - Jim Pendry - Patience
2020-03-04 - Joshua Jones
2020-03-01 - Bert Jones - 1 Thessalonians 4 Purity
2020-02-26 - Dave Langston - Revelation Chapter 2
2020-02-23 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 15 part 2
2020-02-19 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 7
2020-02-16 - Ray Bullins - Romans 13:8-14 - Time to Wake Up
2020-02-12 - Dave Langston - Letter to Ephesus
2020-02-09 - Steve Andrews - Everything is NOT Okay
2020-02-02 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Thessalonians 2:12-13
2020-02-02 - Bert Jones - I Thessalonians 2_17-3_3
2020-01-29 - Justin Wallace
2020-01-26 - Todd Moore - The Light of the World is Jesus 1
2020-01-19 - Jerry Denny
2020-01-15 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 120-123 Psalms of Ascent - Part 1
2020-01-13 - Ray Bullins - Mark 4
2020-01-12 - Ray Bullins - Romans 13 - The Christian and Authorities
2020-01-08 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus - The Sabbath Part 2
2020-01-05 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 5
2019-12-31 - Dave Langston - Watch Night Service - Prayer
2019-12-29 - Bert Jones - I Thessalonians 2
2019-12-22 - Dave Langston - Ready For Christmas_
2019-12-15 - Rudy Jackson - God's Gift
2019-12-11 - Ray Bullins - Romans 12 - Living Sacrifices - Together!
2019-12-08 - Jeff Johnson - To Obey is better than Sacrifice ( I Samuel)
2019-12-04 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 4
2019-12-01 - Bert Jones - 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2
2019-11-24 - Jim Pendry - Sins of Sodom
2019-11-20 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 15
2019-11-17 - Ray Bullins - Romans 11:7-31
2019-11-10 - Jerry Denny - Requirements for Fruit Bearing
2019-11-06 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus - The Sabbath
2019-10-30 - Todd Moore
2019-10-30 - John Yount - The Prodigal Son
2019-10-27 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 3
2019-10-23 - Justin Wallace - Parable of the Sower
2019-10-20 - Dave Langston - Revelation 1
2019-10-13 - Wayne Denny - The Sojourner Identity of God's People
2019-10-09 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 2
2019-10-06 - Bert Jones - 1 Thes 1 - Part 1
2019-10-02 - Steve Andrews - 1 Cor 1:18-31 Gods Way not Mans
2019-09-29 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 14
2019-09-24 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in Submission
2019-09-23 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in the Light
2019-09-22 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking in Love - Night
2019-09-22 - Bob Brown -Ephesians - Walking Worthy - Morning
2019-09-18 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 13
2019-09-15 - Ray Bullins - Romans 11_ 1-6 Israel not Forgotten
2019-09-11 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 12
2019-09-08 - Jim Pendry - 3 mountains
2019-09-04 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Sam 11
2019-09-01 - Dave Langston - Daniel 12
2019-08-28 - Tim Patterson - Leviticus 23
2019-08-25 - Todd Moore - Being In God's Plan
2019-08-21 - Steve Andrews - I Corinthians Chapter 1
2019-08-18 - Jeff Johnson - Finishing Well - Ch01
2019-08-14 - Ray Bullins - That they Might all be Saved - Romans 10
2019-08-11 - Steve Andrews - 1 Corinthians Introduction
2019-08-04 - Bert Jones - Glory and Headship
2019-07-31 - Various - Missionary Trip Recap
2019-07-28 - Dave Langston - Daniel 12
2019-07-24 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 10
2019-07-21 - Rudy Jackson - (As) - Ephesians 4 and 5
2019-07-17 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 9
2019-07-14 - Jerry Denny - Different Types of Fruit
2019-07-10 - Tim Hughes - Salvation
2019-07-07 - Ray Bullins - Romans 9 - Israel's Present -- Part 2
2019-07-03 - Bert Jones - Psalm 11
2019-06-30 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to Have Done - Pt 5
2019-06-26 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel 8
2019-06-23 - Jim Pendry - Power of Words pt 2
2019-06-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 40 - Worship in the Millennium
2019-06-16 - Don MacMullen - Preparation of God
2019-06-12 - Jerry Denny - Psalms 107 - 4 Distresses of Life
2019-06-09 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel chapter 7
2019-06-05 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 55
2019-06-02 - Bert Jones - Living Stones
2019-05-22 - Jacob Moore - Draw Me Nearer
2019-05-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 38-39 the Final Battle
2019-05-10 - Jerry Denny - Four Mothers
2019-05-08 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 34-37 Israels Restoration
2019-05-05 - Dave Langston - Daniel 11 - Part 2
2019-04-28 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to have Done Part 4
2019-04-27 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 3
2019-04-27 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 2
2019-04-26 - Joshua Jones - Youth Rally - Christ Centered Life part 1
2019-04-24 - John Yount - God's Supreme Attribute - His Holiness
2019-04-21 - Ray Bullins - The Tomb is Empty - John 20
2019-04-17 - Ray Bullins - Romans 9 - Israel's Present
2019-04-14 - Jim Pendry - Power Of Speech
2019-04-10 - Ali Farhadi - Testimony - Fishermen of men
2019-04-07 - Bert Jones - The Church as the Bride
2019-04-03 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew - Matthew 12:15-21
2019-03-31 - Todd Moore - Overcoming Problems
2019-03-27 - Bert Jones - The Church as the Body
2019-03-24 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 34
2019-03-20 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 33
2019-03-17 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chapter 11
2019-03-13 - Bert Jones - The Church
2019-03-10 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapters 5 & 6
2019-03-06 - Steve Andrews- Ezekiel 29-31
2019-03-03 - Rudy Jackson - Letters of the Cross - 1Cor 17-18 Gal 6 14
2019-02-27 - Tom Wallace- Tim Patterson
2019-02-24 - Jim Pendry - 2 Corinthians
2019-02-20 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 3-4
2019-02-17 - Todd Moore - Closer Walk with Jesus
2019-02-13 - Jeff Johnson - I Samuel Chapter 2
2019-02-10 - Ray Bullins - Romans 8:15-32
2019-02-06 - Jeff Johnson - 1 Samuel Chapter 1
2019-02-03 - Bert Jones - The Believers Responsibility Reguarding Government
2019-01-30 - Ernie Richards - Light in the Darkness
2019-01-27 - Ray Clark - Things We Ought to have Done Pt 3
2019-01-23 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel - 26-28
2019-01-20 - Jerry Denny - Good works
2019-01-16 - Dave Langston - Daniel 10
2019-01-09 - Ray Bullins - Romans 8_1-14
2019-01-06 - Jeff Johnson - The Sons of Zeruiah
2018-12-31 - Steve Andrews - New Years Eve
2018-12-30 - Jim Pendry - Out with the Old In with the New - Ch01 RBC Sound Ch 2
2018-12-23 - Rudy Jackson - The Savior is Born
2018-12-16 - Ray Clark - Things We Ought To Have Done - Pt 2
2018-12-12 - John Yount - Deity Invaded Humanity
2018-12-02 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 25 & 35 - Isreal Surrounded by enemy
2018-11-29 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 6
2018-10-28 - Jeff Johnson - The Daughters of Zelophehad - Ch01 RBC Sound Ch 2
2018-10-24 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 4
2018-10-21 - Dave Langston - Daniel 10 - Part II
2018-10-17 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew - Part 2
2018-10-14 - Jim Pendry - Know for Sure
2018-10-10 - Ray Bullins - Romans 6 - Alive in Christ
2018-10-07 - Ray Clark - Things we Ought to Have Done - Pt1
2018-10-03 - Bill Burris - Forgive!
2018-09-30 - Ray Bullins - Romans 5_12-20 Fruits and Roots
2018-09-26 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 20-24
2018-09-23 - Bert Jones - 10 Commandments part 2
2018-09-19 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 18 - Personal Responsibility
2018-09-16 - Jerry Denny - Psalm 103
2018-09-09 - Dave Cullen-Praying Our Position in Christ
2018-09-02 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 17&19 - God's Chastening
2018-08-26 - Todd Moore - Higher Ground
2018-08-22 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 3
2018-08-19 - Jeff Johnson - Paul's Conversion
2018-08-15 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 2
2018-08-12- Dave Langston - Daniel 9 - Part I
2018-08-08 - Jeff Johnson - Holiness - Message 1
2018-08-05 - Ray Clark - Death - Luke 23
2018-08-01 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 16 and 23 - The Harlotry of a Nation
2018-07-29 - Jim Pendry - Neglecting God's Goodness
2018-07-22 - Wayne Denny - Overview of Phillipians
2018-07-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 15 - God the Fruit Expector
2018-07-15 - Bert Jones - 10 Commandments Part I
2018-07-08 - Rudy Jackson - On the Road with Jesus
2018-07-01 - Ray Bullins - Justified by Faith
2018-06-24 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 14 & 20
2018-06-17 - Todd Moore - Father's Day
2018-06-10 - Dave Langston - Daniel 8 Part 2
2018-06-03 - Dave Cullen-inadequacies that hinder the work of the spirit
2018-05-27 - Jeff Johnson - The Church the Building and Body of Christ
2018-05-13 - Ray Clark -7 Excellencies of Christ
2018-05-13 - Jim Pendry - Mothers Day
2018-05-06 - Ray Bullins - Romans 1-3_ The Wrath of God Revealed
2018-04-26 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 5
2018-04-26 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 4
2018-04-26 - Bert Jones - Romans 12 - Spiritual Gifts
2018-04-25 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 3
2018-04-23 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 2
2018-04-23 - Randy Amos - Kingdom Principles of God's Rule - Session 1
2018-04-22 - Dave Langston - Daniel
2018-04-15 - Todd Moore - Jesus' Best Friend
2018-04-08 - Jeff Johnson - The Unfinished Work of Christ
2018-04-01 - Dave Cullen - This Jesus -
2018-03-25 - Ray Clark - Man's Destiny
2018-03-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 13-the Danger of False Prophets
2018-03-11 - Jerry Denny - The Parable of the Eye
2018-03-04 - Jim Pendry - Resurrection Power
2018-02-27 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 4
2018-02-26 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 3
2018-02-25 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 2
2018-02-25 - Mike Atwood - The Holy Spirit - Part 1
2018-02-21 - Jeff Johnson - Salt and Light Matt 5 13-16
2018-02-18 - Dave Langston - Daniel 7
2018-02-14 - Jeff Johnson - Blessed are the Persecuted Matt 5 vs10 -13
2018-02-11 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 12-The Object lessons of God
2018-02-07 - Jeff Johnson - Blessed are the Peacemakers Matt 5 vs 9
2018-02-04 - Todd Moore - Godly Legacy
2018-01-28 - Jeff johnson - The Chruch
2018-01-24 - Ray Bullins - Romans Overview
2018-01-21 - Bert Jones - Be a Good Example
2018-01-14 - Jerry Denny - Seed of the Sower
2018-01-07 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 12 - Part 8
2018-01-07 - Dave Cullen - Follow Me
2018-01-03 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 11 - Part 7
2017-12-31 - Ray Clark - Love Forsaken Revelation 2_1-7
2017-12-31 - Ray Bullins - Vision for the New Year
2017-12-27 - Justin Wallace - Prophecies in Matthew
2017-12-17 - Steve Andrews - Characters of Christmas - Lessons for Life
2017-12-13 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 -Beattitudes - The Pure in Heart
2017-12-10 - Rudy Jackson - Bethehem
2017-12-06 - Jeff Johnson - Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 7
2017-12-03 - Jim Pendry - Who is My Neighbor
2017-11-26 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chp 7
2017-11-18 - Todd moore - Assurance of the believer -
2017-11-15 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon -Part 3
2017-11-12 - Ray Bullins - Contentment
2017-11-08 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 - Sermon on the Mount -Part 6
2017-11-05 - Jeff Johnson-The Greatest Thing
2017-11-01 - Jerry Denny - 4 Lost things and a wonderful Father
2017-10-29 - Bert Jones - Lessons from 1st John part 2
2017-10-22 - Dave Cullen - The Wiles of The Devil
2017-10-18 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 8 - Abomination Abounds!- Part 6
2017-10-15 - Ray Clark - God and Cyrus- Isa 44-45
2017-10-11 - Johnny Yow - Angels
2017-10-08 - Steve Andrews - Isaiah 28
2017-09-24 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon - Part 2
2017-09-24 - Dave Langston - Daniel 6
2017-09-20 - Jeff Johnson - Matt 5 - The Sermon on the Mount -Part 5
2017-09-17 - Ray Bullins - Exodus 15-Bitter Waters Made Sweet
2017-09-13 - Andy Burgess - Phil 2 -The Majesty of Christ
2017-09-10 - Todd Moore - Biblical Meditation
2017-09-03 - Bert Jones - Lessons on 1 John
2017-08-27 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 3
2017-08-23 - Bill Burris - To be a Witness
2017-08-20 - Dave Cullen - To Know
2017-08-16 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel Chapters 5-7 - Part 5
2017-08-13 - Dave Langston -Daniel 5
2017-08-09 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel-Part 4
2017-08-06 - Ray Clark - Psalm19 part 2
2017-08-02 - Jonathan Cullen - Following the Lord
2017-08-02 - Cris Wallace -Romans 8
2017-07-30 - Steve Andrews - Ezekiel 2 & 3 - Part 3
2017-07-26 - Justin Price - Song of Solomon - Part 1
2017-07-23 - Ray Bullins - 1 Samuel 15 - The Flesh and Obedience!
2017-07-19 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 2
2017-07-16 - Jim Pendry - Little Things - Part II
2017-07-12 - Jeff Johnson - Sermon on the Mount - Part 1
2017-07-09 - Todd Moore - Encouraging the Older Generation
2017-07-02 - Bert Jones - July 4th Message
2017-06-28 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel-Part 2
2017-06-25 - Dave Cullen - To the Praise of His Glory
2017-06-21 - Steve Andrews - Studies in Ezekiel
2017-06-18 - Rudy Jackson - Fathers Day
2017-06-11 - Dave Langston - Daniel Chp. 4
2017-06-04 - Jeff Johnson
2017-05-28 - Ray Bullins - Saul's Rash Vow
2017-05-21 - Todd Moore - Making the Trip to Heavan
2017-05-14 - Ray Clark - Titus Chp. 2
2017-05-07 - Jim Pendry - Little Things
2017-05-03 - Johnny Yow - The Crucifixion of Christ
2017-04-30 - Jeff Johnson - Lost Things
2017-04-23 - Steve Andrews - The Time of the Crucifixion
2017-04-22 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - Daniel 1
2017-04-22 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - I Samuel 14
2017-04-21 - Youth Rally - Micah Tuttle - Genesis 6
2017-04-16 - Bert Jones - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
2017-04-09 - Ray Clark - Have I hit the bottom
2017-04-05 - Jeff Johnson - Hebrews 13 (Part 1)
2017-04-02 - Dave Cullen - Position in Christ
2017-03-26 - Dave langston - Daniel 3
2017-03-19 - Ray Bullins - Jonathans Test 1 Sam 14
2017-03-17 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter and Me (Part V)
2017-03-16 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter and me (part IV)
2017-03-14 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter & Me (Part II)
2017-03-13 - Rex Trogdon - Simon Peter & Me (Part I)
2017-03-12 - Jeff Johnson- The Lord's Prayer
2017-03-05 - Jim Pendry - The Purpose of the Law
2017-03-01 - Bill Burris - The Bible
2017-02-26 - Todd Moore - Debt
2017-02-18 Ray Clark---------Psalm 19
2017-02-12 Steve Andrews----The Storms of Life-Mathew 14
2017-02-08 Jerry Denny-------Psalm 25
2017-02-05 Bert Jones
2017-01-29 Dave Cullen
2017-01-25 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 12
2017-01-22 Jeff Johnson
2017-01-18 Jeff Johnson
2017-01-15 Dave Langston
2017-01-11 Jacob Moore and Josiah Langston
2017-01-01 Ray Bullins---------Finishing Well
2016-12-31 Watch Night Testimonies
2016-12-31 Andy Hilton--------Watch Night
2016-12-21 John Yount---------The Birth of Jesus
2016-12-11 Rudy Jackson
2016-12-07 Randy Caviness
2016-12-04 Steve Andrews
2016-11-27 Bert Jones
2016-11-20 Ray Clark
2016-11-16 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews 12
2016-11-13 Dave Cullen
2016-11-09 Jerry Denny-----Isaiah 40
2016-10-30 Ray Bullins-------1 Samuel 14
2016-10-23 Todd Moore
2016-10-19 Dave Langston----Daniel Chapter 2
2016-10-16 Bert Jones
2016-10-12 Ray Bullins----Samuel Chapter 13-15
2016-10-09 Jim Pendry 10-9-16
2016-10-05 Dave Langston----Daniel Chapter 1
2016-10-02 Jeff Johnson
2016-09-25 Rudy Jackson
2016-09-21 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 12
2016-09-18 Steve Andrews
2016-09-14 Jeff Johnson---Hebrews 11 - Ending
2016-09-11 Ray Clark
2016-09-07 Dave Langston----What is God Waiting For
2016-09-04 Dave Cullen 9-4-16
2016-08-31 Justin Wallace-----Gods Provision
2016-08-28 Dave Langstone------------A heart for God
2016-08-24 Steve Andrews-----The Blinded Jews
2016-08-21 Bert Jones
2016-08-17 Steve Andrews----John Chapter 6
2016-08-14 Jeff Johnson
2016-08-10 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 11
2016-08-07 Todd Moore
2016-08-03 John Yount-----Luke 736-50
2016-07-31 Jim Pendry
2016-07-27 Randy Caviness-----Singing Before the Lord
2016-07-24 Steve Andrews
2016-07-20 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 11 -- Part II
2016-07-17 Dave Cullen--2Pet 13-8
2016-07-10 Ray Clark-----Amos 8- The End is Come
2016-07-03 Ray Bullins....The Choosing of a man!
2016-06-26 Bert Jones
2016-06-12 Dave Langston
2016-06-08 Steve Andrews-----Matt 24
2016-06-05 Jeff Johnson-------Faith 6-5-16
2016-06-01 Johnny Yow
2016-05-29 Todd Moore------- Memorial day
2016-05-25 Jeff Johnson-------Hebrews 11
2016-05-22 Ray Clark-------- -Amos 7
2016-05-15 Rudy Jackson-----Family 05-15-16
2016-05-08 Dave Cullen------Hannah Faithful Mothers
2016-05-04 Steve Andrews----The Teachings of Christ
2016-05-01 Jim Pendry
2016-04-27 Justin Price---- --Wisdom From Proverbs
2016-04-24 Ray Bullins--------2nd Peter 1
2016-04-10 Bert Jones--------Parable of the talents
2016-04-03 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews 8
2016-03-20 Rudy Jackson----The Passion of Christ
2016-03-09 Jerry Denny------Psalm 34
2016-03-06 Dave Cullen------Leaving Our First Love
2016-02-28 Ray Clark---------Amos 6
2016-02-21 Ray Bullins-------Phillipians 4
2016-02-14 Jim Pendry------Luke Chapter 18
2016-02-07 Dave Langston---No Condemnation
2016-02-03 John Yount------James Chapter 1_1
2016-01-31 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter 10
2016-01-27 Johnny Yow--- --No Respecter of Persons
2016-01-20 Bill Burris
2016-01-17 Bert Jones------Evolution
2016-01-13 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 9
2016-01-10 Neal Jones------Prayer
2016-01-06 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 9_1
2016-01-06 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 9
2016-01-04 Steve Andrews-----Christ Our Life
2016-01-03 Steve Andrews---Jude
2015-12-31 Alan Jones----- The Gospel Message
2015-12-27 Dave Cullen----------Repent
2015-12-20 Rudy Jackson-----Christ-King Prophet and Priest
2015-12-09 Steve Andrews-----Mathew Chapter 6&7
2015-12-06 Ray Clark --- Amos 518-62
2015-11-29 Ray Bullins ----- Philippians 4
2015-11-22 Todd Moore ---- Thankfulness
2015-11-18 Jerry Denny----- Psalm 37_1
2015-11-15 Bert Jones---------Testimony
2015-11-11 Joshua Jones---- Davids Sin of Numbering the People
2015-11-08 Jeff Johnson-------feasts
2015-11-04 Randy Cavines-----Song of Moses
2015-11-01 Dave Langston-----Psalm 33
2015-10-28 Tom Wallace--------Ahab
2015-10-25 Dave Cullen
2015-10-21 Jeff Johnson
2015-10-18 Jim Pendry-----The Work of a Servant
2015-10-14 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter
2015-10-11 Steve Andrews
2015-10-08 Jeff Johnson--------Hebrews 7
2015-10-04 Warren Henderson
2015-09-27 Ray Clark Amos 5
2015-09-23 Justin Wallace
2015-09-20 Rudy Jackson Zephaniah 3
2015-09-18 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part V
2015-09-17 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part IV
2015-09-16 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part III
2015-09-15 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part II
2015-09-14 Randy Amos------The Building Blocks of the Gospel Part I
2015-09-13 Todd Moore-----Only a Sinner
2015-09-09 Steve Andrews--Mathew Chapter 6
2015-09-08 Jim Pendry------I Corinthians 10
2015-09-06 Ray Bullins---------Philippians 3
2015-09-02 Steve Anderews-----The Similitudes
2015-08-30 Bert Jones----------Nothing but the Blood
2015-08-23 Jim Pendry----------1Corinthians 10
2015-08-19 Jeff Johnson--------Hebrews 7 Part I
2015-08-16 Jeff Johnson --------Hebrews 69-20
2015-08-12 Jeff Johnson---------Hebrews 6
2015-08-09 Dave Cullen----------REPENT!
2015-08-05 Bill Burris-------------Psalm 22
2015-08-02 Dave Langston------Time
2015-07-29 Jonathan Peck-----Missionary Emphasis
2015-07-26 Ray Bullins---------The Joy Stealer of Things
2015-07-19 Ray Clark---------Amos Chapter 4
2015-07-15 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 5
2015-07-12 Steve Andrews---The Beatitudes
2015-07-08 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews Chapter 4
2015-07-05 Bert Jones--------Psalm 11
2015-06-28 Jeff Johnson------Hebrews 3
2015-06-21 Todd Moore-------Fathers Day
2015-06-17 Steve Andrews----Church Discipline
2015-06-14 Dave Langston---Colossians 32 ---Things
2015-06-07 Jim Pendry-------Professing Believers
2015-06-03 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Chapter 3
2015-05-31 Todd Moore------Gods Promises
2015-05-27 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews 2
2015-05-24 Rudy Jackson-----Pentecost
2015-05-20 Randy Caviness------John 9
2015-05-17 Ray Clark-----Amos Chapter 3
2015-05-10 Ray Bullins-----Mothers Day
2015-05-06 Ned Stephens----John Chapter 1
2015-05-03 Bert Jones----Satan-Know Your Adversary
2015-05-02 Ray Bullins-----Worship and the Lords Supper
2015-04-26 Don MacMullen----Giving Glory to God
2015-04-20 Steve Andrews-----Fellowship
2015-04-15 Andy Burgess----Proverbs
2015-04-12 Dave Langston-----God With Us
2015-04-09 Andy Burgess----Proverbs
2015-04-04 Jeff Johnson----Resurrection
2015-04-01 Andy Burgess----Wisdom and Understanding
2015-03-29 Ray Clark------The Days Leading Up to the Ressurection
2015-03-25 Johnny Yow-----Washing the Feet of Jesus
2015-03-22 Todd Moore My Fathers Bussiness
2015-03-20 Bob Brown----Encoraging One Another
2015-03-19 Bob Brown-----Encouragement - Jesus on the Beach
2015-03-18 Bob Brown-----Encouragement- Jesus on the Water
2015-03-17 Bob Brown------Encouragement III
2015-03-16 Bob Brown-----John 14
2015-03-15 Bob Brown------Its Friday But Sundays Coming
2015-03-11 Steve Andrews take up your cross
2015-03-08 Ray Bullins Phillipians 2
2015-02-25 Bill Burris-----Psalm 23
2015-02-22 Rudy Jackson
2015-02-15 Steve Andrews-----Fellowship and Leadership
2015-02-11 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 2
2015-02-08 Jim Pendry------Sauls Conversion
2015-02-04 Steve Andrews-----Treasures in Heaven
2015-02-04 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 2
2015-02-01 Dave Langston----why worry
2015-01-21 Jeff Johnson----Hebrews Chapter 1
2015-01-18 Ray Bullins----Phillipians Chapter 1
2015-01-14 Jeff Johnson-----Hebrews Introduction
2015-01-11 Todd Moore-----The Ministry of Barnabas
2015-01-07 Steve Andrews-----Teachings of Jesus
2015-01-04 Ray Clark-----Amos Chapter 4
2015- 12-27 Dave Cullen----------Repent
2015 01-22 Andy Burgess---7 things that God hates
2014-12-27 Bert Jones-----The Rapture and Second Coming of Christ
2014-12-21 Rudy Jackson-----The Birth of Christ
2014-12-11 Dave Langston----The Christmas Story
2014-12-07 Jim Pendry-----John 15
2014-12-03 - 2 Corinthians 2_17
2014-11-30 Steve Andrews - The Way of Salvation
2014-11-23 Bert Jones-----Thankfulness
2014-11-19 Johnny Yow----The Miracles of Christ
2014-11-12 Ray Bullins-------The Body
2014-11-09 Ray Bullins------Hosea----Part.
2014-11-05 Tom Wallace----Running the Race
2014-11-02 Todd Moore-----The Certain Return of Jesus Christ
2014-10-29 Steve Andrews-----Disciples
2014-10-26 Ray Clark - Judgement of Ammon and Moab
2014-10-22 Steve Andrews - Discipleship vs Salvation
2014-10-19 Jim Pendry - John 15_9-17
2014-10-15 Ned Stephens----John Chapter 5
2014-10-12 Dave Langston----Our Moral Compass
2014-10-05 Dave Cullen-----Following After Jesus
2014-09-21 Jeff Johnson - The Word of The King is Power
2014-09-14 Bert Jones-----James-Chapter 1
2014-09-07 Todd Moore - Life of Timothy
2014-08-31 Rudy Jackson-----Co-equal and Co-eternal
2014-08-27 Jeff Johnson----The Image of God
2014-08-21 Jeff Johnson-----Israel the Vine
2014-08-17 Bert Jones - 2nd Timothy 4
2014-08-13 Jeff Johnson----Psalm 2 Part II
2014-08-10 Dave Cullen - John 9 Follow Me
2014-08-06 Jeff Johnson----Psalm 2
2014-08-03 Steve Andrews------The Bride of Christ
2014-07-27 Wayne Denny - Our Mission for God
2014-07-20 Dave Langston - Is God Pleased With Me
2014-07-16 Johnny Yow - Creation and Communication
2014-07-13 Todd Moore - Obadiah
2014-07-09 Steve Andrews---The Kingdom of Heaven
2014-07-06 Jim Pendry------John 15
2014-06-29 Dave Dunlap
2014-06-22 Dave Cullen------Philip the First Disciple
2014-06-18 Steve Andrews - The Teachings of Jesus
2014-06-11 Mark Beebee----The Names of God-El Ellyon
2014-06-08 Ray Clark----Amos Chapter 1
2014-06-04 Mark Beebee-----The Names of God - El Shaddai
2014-06-01 Jeff Johnson - Glorifying God
2014-05-28 Mark Beebe - The Names of God Part 3
2014-05-25 Bert Jones - Gods Inspired Word
2014-05-21 Mark Bebee - The Names of God Part 2
2014-05-18 RudyJackson-----Esau
2014-05-11 Ray Clark - Mothers that Trusted God
2014-05-07 Mark Beebee------The Names of God Part I
2014-05-03 Jim Pendry-----Moses the Man of Faith
2014-05-02 Carmy Price-----Recital 1
2014-04-30 Missionary Presentation
2014-04-27 Dave Langston - Our Plans and Gods Plan
2014-04-20 Dave Cullen - The Resurrection
2014-04-16 Ray Bulllins-----Hosea 6
2014-04-13 Todd Moore----Soon and Very Soon
2014-04-09 Ray Bullins-----Hosea Chapter 5
2014-04-06 Steven Harrell-------Mephibosheth
2014-04-03 John Kinlaw-----The Lord Knows
2014-04-02 Steve Andrews -----Isaiah
2014-03-26 Jeff Johnson - The Passover
2014-03-23 Ray Bullins----Hosea Chapter 4
2014-03-19 Jeff Johnson - The Blood Sacrifice Part 2
2014-03-16 Bert Jones - 2nd Timothy 3a
2014-03-12 Jeff Johnson-----The Blood Sacrifice
2014-03-09 Rudy Jackson------The Journey to Mount Moriah
2014-03-05 Jim Steenland
2014-03-02 Dave Langston - Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
2014-02-28 Jamie Hull - James Part 6
2014-02-27 Jamie Hull - James Part 5
2014-02-26 Jamie Hull - James Part 4
2014-02-25 Jamie Hull - James Part 3
2014-02-24 Jamie Hull - James an Overview
2014-02-23 Jamie Hull - Introduction to James
2014-02-19 Steve Andrews - Isahia
2014-02-16 Todd Moore - Habakkuk
2014-02-09 Jeff Johnson-----The Relationship Between The Father and Son
2014-02-05 Steve Andrews----The Servant Messiah
2014-02-02 Dave Cullen - Shame
2014-01-26 Bert Jones-------A Faithful Worker
2014-01-22 Jeff Johnson - The Sacrifice of the Son
2014-01-19 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes 5
2014-01-15 Jeff Johnson-----Fully God and Fully Man
2014-01-08 Jeff Johnson - The Relationship between the Father and the Son
2013-12-31 Watch Night - First Hour
2013-12-31 Andy Hylton----Watch Night 2nd Hour
2013-12-29 Ray Bullins-----Luke Chapter 2
2013-12-15 Jeff Johnson - Relationship between the Father and the Son
2013-12-11 Ned Stephens - John 5
2013-12-08 Todd Moore------Parable of the Talents
2013-12-04 Johhny Yow----Galatians 3
2013-12-01 Dave Langston - Loving the Lord
2013-11-24 Dave Cullen - Thanking God
2013-11-20 Steve Andrews - Isaiah 7-9
2013-11-17 Rudy Jackson - Have We Left Our First Love
2013-11-13 Steve Andrews-----The Branch
2013-11-10 Ray Bullins-----Hosea Chapter 3
2013-11-06 Randy Caviness - Abraham
2013-11-03 Ray Clark - Amos Chapter 1
2013-10-30 Saurez---------Missionary to Bolivia
2013-10-27 Ray Bullins - Hosea 2
2013-10-23 Jeff Johnson------Lessons From Children
2013-10-20 Steven Harrell------Lessons From Naphtali
2013-10-16 Jeff Johnson-----Psalm 8
2013-10-13 Jim Pendry---Luke 15
2013-10-09 Jeff Johnson----Acts 27-28
2013-10-06 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy 2 Part 1
2013-10-02 Jeff Johnson - Acts 25-26
2013-09-29 Todd Moore-----Finishing Well
2013-09-25 Steve Andrews - Isaiah and the Millenium
2013-09-18 Steve Andrews - Isaiah and the Tribulation
2013-09-11 Johnny Yow - Galatians 2
2013-09-08 Dave Langston----The Pursuit of Contentment
2013-09-01 Dave Cullen----A Labor of Love
2013-08-28 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy 1
2013-08-25 Ray Clark-The Life and Times of Amos
2013-08-18 Rudy Jackson------Abraham the Priest
2013-08-14 Steve Andrews - Isaiah 14-23
2013-08-11 Johnathan Brower - Depend on God
2013-08-07 Jeff Johnson - Acts 23 and 24
2013-08-04 Jeff Johnson----Consequences of SIn
2013-07-31 Tom Wallace---Following the Flesh
2013-07-25 Johnny Yow-----Galatians 1
2013-07-21 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes 4
2013-07-14 Dave Cullen - The Church at Sardis
2013-07-10 Dave Langston - Living for the Lord Not Self
2013-07-07 Todd Moore------Standing Up For Jesus
2013-06-30 Jeff Johnson------Parable of the Soils
2013-06-26 Johnny Yow-------Phillippians Chapter 4
2013-06-23 Bert Jones - 2 Timothy Chapter 1a
2013-06-19 Jeff Johnson - Acts 22_1
2013-06-19 Jeff Johnson - Acts 22
2013-06-12 Jeff Johnson--Acts 21
2013-06-09 Dave Langston - The Judgement Seat_Bema
2013-06-02 Ray Clark - 2 Peter 3
2013-05-15 Jeff Johnson - Acts 20
2013-05-12 Rudy Jackson---A Mothers Influence
2013-05-08 Jeff Johnson---Acts Chapter 19_1
2013-05-08 Jeff Johnson---Acts Chapter 19
2013-05-05 Ray Bullins----------Hosea Chapter 1
2013-05-01 Jeff Johnson------------Acts Chapter 18
2013-04-28 Dave Cullen - Revelation 3 1-6
2013-04-21 Jeff Johnson----Running the Race
2013-04-17 Randy Caviness----More Precious Than Gold
2013-04-10 Benjamin Shelor-----King Jehoshaphat
2013-04-07 Bert Jones - I Timothy 6
2013-04-03 Josh Jones - Put God First
2013-03-31 Ray Bullins - The Importance of the Resurection
2013-03-27 David Dunlap------The Resurrection of Lazurus
2013-03-24 Ray Clark--The Head Covering The Lord Supper Pt 3
2013-03-20 Kenneth Johnson----Our Position In Christ
2013-03-17 Steven Harrell - Practicality of The Lords Supper
2013-03-13 Johnny Yow-----Phillipians 2
2013-03-10 Dave Langston - Good Works
2013-03-06 Cecil Cottrell - How to Study Scripture
2013-03-03 Todd Moore - Gods Presence in Times of Trouble
2013-02-27 Jeff Johnson-------Acts Chapter 17
2013-02-24 Neal Jones-----The Call of the Believer
2013-02-20 Jeff Johnson - Acts 16
2013-02-17 Rudy Jackson----The Indictment
2013-02-13 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 15
2013-02-06 Jeff Johnson - Acts 14
2013-02-03 Ray Bullins - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
2013-01-31 Mark Shelley----Leadership in the Home
2013-01-27 Steve Andrews - The Covenants
2013-01-23 Johnny Yow----Phillipians Chapter 1
2013-01-13 Bert Jones - 1 Timothy 5
2013-01-09 Steve Andrews------Isaiah - The Fall Of Babylon
2013-01-06 Jeff Johnson-----Acts 13
2012-12-31 Neal Jones - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-31 Mark Bebe - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
2012-12-31 Kenneth Johnson - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-31 Jason Caroll - Caswell Assembly Testimony
2012-12-23 Dave Cullen - The Birth of Christ
2012-12-16 Neal Jones----Denying Self
2012-12-12 Jeff Johnson----Acts Chapter 12
2012-12-09 Rudy Jackson-----Why Christ Came
2012-12-05 Jeff Johnson--Acts Chapter 11
2012-12-02 Ray Clark------The Lords Supper Part Two
2012-11-28 Josh Jones------Emotions
2012-11-25 Dave Langston - The Passover Supper
2012-11-18 Ray Bullins - Sin
2012-11-14 Jeff Johnson------Acts Chapter 11
2012-11-11 Bert Jones I Timothy Chapter 4
2012-11-07 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 9
2012-11-03 Ray Clark - The Lords Supper
2012-10-24 Kenneth Johnson-----The Human Race
2012-10-21 Jim Pendry------Ecclesiastes Chapter 2
2012-10-07 Dave Cullen - Peace in Christ
2012-10-03 Ben Shelor -----I John Chapter 1
2012-09-30 Neal Jones----Mathew 16
2012-09-26 Steve Andrews ---Isaiah
2012-09-23 Dave Langston - Elijah
2012-09-19 Steve Andrews----Isaiah
2012-09-16 Bert Jones - I Timothy Chapter 3
2012-09-12 Steve Andrews----Isaiah
2012-09-05 Steve Andrews------Isaiah Chapter 4
2012-09-02 Jeff Johnson-----Victorious in Christ
2012-08-29 Johnny Yow------Pride
2012-08-26 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 5
2012-08-19 Jim Pendry - Ecclesiastes Chp. 1
2012-08-15 Jeff Johnson----Acts 6&7
2012-08-08 Jeff Johnson------Acts Chapter 5
2012-08-05 Ray Bullins------Leviticus Chapter 2
2012-07-29 Ray Clark - 2 Peter False Teachers 2
2012-07-25 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 4
2012-07-22 Bert Jones-----I Timothy Chapter 2
2012-07-18 Steve Andrews-----
2012-07-15 Dave Langston - One in a Million
2012-07-11 Steve Andrews------Chosen
2012-07-01 Jim Pendry------Independence from Sin
2012-06-27 Neal Jones------Living for the Lord
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1_2
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1_1
2012-06-25 Rudy Jackson-----John 1
2012-06-20 Jeff Johnson - Acts 4
2012-06-17 Bert Jones - Being a Father
2012-06-13 Jeff Johnson----Acts Chapter 3
2012-06-10 Ray Bulllins----The Burnt Offering
2012-06-06 Steve Andrews----Isaiah----Part II
2012-06-03 Steve Andrews - Isaiah Part 1
2012-05-30 Jerry Denny - Evangelism
2012-05-27 Chris Shroeder------How Do We Keep Going
2012-05-20 Ray Clark - False Teachers
2012-05-16 Jeff Johnson - Acts 2
2012-05-09 Josh Shelley------The Faithfulness of God
2012-05-06 Bert Jones--------------Marriage
2012-05-02 Jeff Johnson-----Acts Chapter 1
2012-04-29 Jim Pendry - Nehemiah 11-13
2012-04-25 Ben Shelor-------The Discipline of God
2012-04-22 Ray Bullins------Finishing Well
2012-04-15 Dave Langston - When God Says Enough
2012-04-08 Dave Cullen------The Resurrection
2012-04-04 Randy Caviness-----A New Commandment
2012-04-01 Jeff Johnson - Who is a Fool
2012-03-28 Clark Johnson-----Genesis 1
2012-03-25 Ray Clark-----Sodom and Gomorrah
2012-03-24 Bonnie Larson - Gods Delight in Us
2012-03-18 Bert Jones - I Timothy 1
2012-03-14 Neal Jones - Obedience
2012-03-11 Dave Cullen - Hiding from the Face of God
2012-03-04 Jim Pendry - Nehemiah 10
2012-02-29 Fred Ruff------Missionary to China
2012-02-22 Mark Beebe----Esther
2012-02-21 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis 4
2012-02-19 Jeff Johnson - Making a Name
2012-02-15 Mark Beebe-----Song of Moses
2012-02-12 Bert Jones-I Timothy
2012-02-08 Tom Wallace-Parables in Matthew
2012-02-07 Johnny Yow------Paul
2012-02-05 Dave Langston-Gods Comfort in Trials
2012-01-29 The Judgement of God
2012-01-22 Ray Clark - II Peter Chapt. 2 Part 2
2012-01-18 Wayne Denny----
2012-01-15 Dave Cullen - Experiencing Gods Presence
2012-01-11 Randy Caviness------The Mercy of God
2012-01-08 Jeff Johnson----Truths Unitentionally Spoken of Christ
2012-01-04 Benjamin Shelor - Gentiles
2012-01-01 Ray Bullins - The First Day of the First Month
2011-12-31 Watchnight Service
2011-12-14 Neal Jones-----Obedience (Part II)
2011-12-11 Rudy Jackson - The Angelic Announcement
2011-12-07 GNOM (Part II)
2011-12-04 Jeff Johnson------One Day Soon
2011-11-30 GNOM (Part I)
2011-11-27 Bert Jones-Fruits of the Spirit-Gentleness
2011-11-20 Dave Cullen------The Pool of Bethesda
2011-11-13 Bob Brown - Christian Fellowship
2011-11-09 Johnny Yow----Count Your Blessings
2011-11-06 Ray Clark------II Peter Chapter 2
2011-11-02 Clark Johnson------An Appointment With Christ
2011-10-30 Rudy Jackson - An Open Door
2011-10-26 Ray Bullins---------First Love (Part II)
2011-10-23 Dave Langston--------Life of Elijah (Part VI)
2011-10-19 Ray Bullins--------------First Love
2011-10-16 David Dunlap----------Christ Much Higher than the Angels
2011-10-12 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis 4
2011-10-09 Steve Andrews--------What Are You Thinking About
2011-10-02 Todd Moore------------Life of Peter
2011-09-28 Benjamin---------------Galatians
2011-09-25 Bert Jones--------------Fruits of the Spirit
2011-09-21 Mark Beebee---------John the Baptist
2011-09-14 Mark Beebee---------Samuel
2011-09-11 Don MacMullen-----The Promises of God
2011-09-04 Jeff Johnson--------Bearing Fruit
2011-08-31 Neal Jones----------The Fear of God
2011-08-28 Rudy Jackson--------Solomons Wisdom
2011-08-24 Steve Andrews-------John 3
2011-08-21 Carl Knott------------Prayer
2011-08-17 Mark Beebee--------Samson
2011-08-14 Jim Pendry-----------Nehemiah 9
2011-08-10 Mark Beebee--------Separation (Part I)
2011-08-07 Ray Clark------------II Peter
2011-07-31 Dave Langston-----Elijah (Part V)
2011-07-27 Jeff Johnson--------Mysteries of the New Testament (Part II)
2011-07-24 Dave Cullen---------Phillipians 4
2011-07-20 Jeff Johnson--------Mysteries of the New Testament (Part I)
2011-07-17 Steve Andrews-----Famines (Part II)
2011-07-03 Steve Andrews-----Famines (Part I)
2011-06-26 Jeff Johnson--------Psalm 44
2011-06-15 Ray Clark------------II Peter
2011-06-12 Dave Cullen------------Phillipians 3
2011-06-08 Randy Caviness-----Abraham
2011-06-05 Todd Moore------------Making a Difference for Christ
2011-06-01 Randy Caviness-----Abraham
2011-05-29 Dave Langston------Elijah--Part IV
2011-05-25 Ray Clark----------------II Peter
2011-05-22 Chris Shroeder-----Signposts Along the Way
2011-05-15 Jim Pendry------ Nehemiah 8
2011-05-08 Bert Jones------------Lessons From Hannah
2011-05-04 Kenneth Johnson----The Sin of Mankind
2011-05-01 Ray Bullins ---------- Jude Part 1
2011-04-24 Dave Cullen--------- The Centrality of the Resurrection
2011-04-20 Clark Robinson------Colossians Chapter 2
2011-04-17 Ray Clark-------------IIPeter1
2011-04-13 Randy Caviness-----Genesis 13
2011-04-10 Jeff Johnson ------- Samson
2011-04-06 Johnny Yow---------Meeting the Needs of Others
2011-04-03 Todd Moore---------The Life of Andrew
2011-03-27 Jim Pendry --------- Nehemiah 7
2011-03-20 Rudy Jackson----The Sin Offering
2011-03-16 Alan Jones-----Haggai (Part III)
2011-03-13 Steve Andrews-----Dealing with Depression
2011-03-09 Alan Jones------Hagai (Part II)
2011-03-06 Dave Langston - Elijah on Mount Carmel
2011-03-02 Alan Jones-----Hagai (Part I)
2011-02-27 Bert Jones-----The Fruit of the Spirit--Love
2011-02-23 Dave Langston----Elijah (Part II)
2011-02-20 Jeff Johnson - God's Name is Jealous
2011-02-16 Dave Langston (Part I)
2011-02-09 Neal Jones--------Living the Christian Life
2011-02-06 Ray Clark - 1 Peter 5
2011-01-30 Ray Bullins-----Jude (Part I)
2011-01-26 Randy Caviness------More Precious Than Gold
2011-01-23 Dave Cullen----Keep It Simple
2011-01-12 Jeff Johnson----The Progression of the Lamb (Part II)
2011-01-09 Jim Pendry------Nehemiah Chapter 6
2011-01-05 Jeff Johnson---- The Progression of the Lamb (Part 1)
2011-01-03 Steve Andrews--Pressing Toward the Markl
2010-12-19 Jeff Johnson----The Night Before Christmas
2010-12-15 Johnny Yow----The Longsuffering of God
2010-12-12 Rudy Jackson-- Keep Christ on the Inside
2010-12-08 Tom Wallace------The Birth of Christ
2010-12-05 Ray Clark-------I Peter 5
2010-12-01 Clark Robinson-------The Spirit Filled Life
2010-11-28 Dave Langston - Gideon-Misplaced Affections
2010-11-21 Andy Burgess - Bless the Lord
2010-11-17 Steve Andrews--------Psalm 3
2010-11-14 Larry Price-------The God of all Comfort
2010-11-07 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Peacemakers
2010-11-03 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Merciful
2010-10-31 Ray Clark - I Peter 4_12-19
2010-10-27 Ray Bullins-----Hungering after Righteousness
2010-10-24 Rudy Jackson - Stephen
2010-10-20 Ray Bullins----Blessed are the Meek & Mourning
2010-10-17 Jim Pendry-----Nehemiah 4 5
2010-10-13 Ray Bullins---Blessed are the Humble
2010-10-10 Dave Cullen - Our Purpose in Christ
2010-10-06 Randy Caviness-----The Eternal Flame of Fire
2010-10-03 Jeff Johnson----The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
2010-09-26 Dave Steinland-----The Assurance of Salvation
2010-09-22 Neil Jones-----Satan
2010-09-19 Dave Langston-Gideon and the Pursuit of Midian
2010-09-12 Don MacMullen-----The God Who Provides
2010-09-12 Don MacMullen - The God Who Provides
2010-09-08 Bert Jones-----The Fruits of the Spirit
2010-09-01 Bert Jones-----Walking in the Spirit
2010-08-29 Steve Andrews-Bridling the Tongue
2010-08-22 Rudy Jackson----Boasting in the Cross
2010-08-18 Kenneth Johnson-----Genesis Chapter 3--Part 3
2010-08-15 Ray Bullins - Psalm 8 Part 2
2010-08-08 Ray Clark-------Peter 3
2010-08-04 Kenneth Johnson ----Genesis 3
2010-08-01 Dave Cullen - Work Because You Love God
2010-07-25 Jeff Johnson-----The Sonship of Jesus Christ
2010-07-14 Alan Jones------The House of God
2010-07-11 Ray Bullins-----Psalm 8
2010-07-07 Alan Jones-----The Church
2010-07-04 Steve Andrews-The Christian Response to Poverty
2010-06-30 John Peck---------Lift Up Your Eyes
2010-06-27 Andy Burgess-------Romans 5
2010-06-23 Jim Pendry-----Nehemiah Chapter 3-4
2010-06-20 Dave Cullen - The Beloved Son
2010-06-13 Rudy Jackson---------Preaching Jesus
2010-06-09 Randy Caviness-----The Holy Spirit (Part II)
2010-06-06 Todd Moore-------------Jesus a Prophecy Fulfilled
2010-06-02 Randy Caviness------The Holy Spirit (Part I)
2010-05-30 Ray Clark--------Remembering The Lord
2010-05-26 Bert Jones-----------The Blood of Jesus Christ
2010-05-23 Jeff Johnson---------Is Your Seat Empty
2010-05-19 AndyBurgess
2010-05-16 Dave Langston-----Philemon Part II
2010-05-12 Ray Clark------------I Peter 3
2010-05-09 Wayne Denny------God Gives Mothers Grace
2010-05-02 Ray Bullins----------The Pursuit of Wisdom
2010-04-11 Rudy Jackson------Our Risen Savior
2010-04-07 Randy Caviness---Seven Things That God Loves
2010-04-04 Steve Andrews-----The Resurection of Christ
2010-03-31 Kenneth Johnson--Genesis Chapter 2
2010-03-28 Ray Bullins----------The Ressurection
2010-03-24 Alan Jones----------God Dwelling in the Church
2010-03-21 Jim Pendry----------Nehemiah Part 1
2010-03-17 Alan Jones----------The Builder of the Church
2010-03-10 Alan Jones----------The Building of the Church (Part I)
2010-03-07 Todd Moore ------- Lay up Your Treasures in Heaven
2010-02-28 Dave Cullen---------Working for the Lord
2010-02-21 Jeff Johnson---------Focusing on Christ
2010-02-17 Bert Jones-----------II John
2010-02-14 Andy Burgess------The Faith of Abraham
2010-02-10 Steve Andrews------I John Part VI
2010-02-07 Ned Stephens ------The Christ Centered Christian
2010-02-03 Steve Andrews------I John Part V
2010-01-27 Steve Andrews------I John Part IV
2010-01-24 Jim Pendry----------Living the Rest of Our Lives
2010-01-20 Steve Andrews------I John Part III
2010-01-17 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part VII)
2010-01-13 Steve Andrews------I John (Part II)
2010-01-10 Dave Dunlap--------How God Saves
2010-01-06 Steve Andrews------I John Introduction
2010-01-03 Ray Clark------------The Body of Believers (Part II)
201-10-01 - Jim Pendry - Baptism
2009-12-27 Todd Moore----------Forgiveness
2009-12-13 Andy Burgess-------What is in a Name
2009-12-09 Dave Dunlap---------Faithfulness of God
2009-12-06 Dave Cullen----------Malachi - The Fear of the Lord
2009-12-02 Randy Caviness----Seven Things that God Hates (Part II)
2009-11-29 Jeff Johnson---------The Continuing Ministry of Christ
2009-11-22 Ray Bullins----------Gideon (Part VI)
2009-11-18 Steve Andrews------Church Order
2009-11-15 Larry Price-----------Not I But Christ
2009-11-11 Larry Price-----------Running the Race
2009-11-08 Dave Langston------Philemon Part 1
2009-11-04 Ray Clark-------------The Body of Believers (Part I)
2009-11-01 Bert Jones------------Phillippians 3 1-17
2009-10-25 Ned Stephens-------Romans 1 - 3
2009-10-18 Jim Pendry-----------The Peace Offering
2009-10-14 Johnny Yow---------Authority
2009-10-11 Carl Knott-------------Psalms 19 Gods Three Witnesses
2009-10-08 Sam Thorpe---------Controllling the Mind
2009-10-07 Kenneth Johnson--Creation (Part )
2009-10-04 Dave Cullen----------Living Up to the Name
2009-09-30 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part V)
2009-09-27 Rudy Jackson------Gods People
2009-09-23 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part IV)
2009-09-20 Ray Clark-------------Submission
2009-09-16 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part III)
2009-09-13 Steve Andrews ---- Galatians Chapter 6
2009-09-09 Ray Bullins-----------Gideon (Part II)
2009-09-06 Andy Burgess-------Romans Chapter 3
2009-08-30 Dave Langston ---- Great Escapes
2009-08-26 Randy Caviness----Seven Things That God Hates (Part I)
2009-08-23 Todd Moore -------- God Looks at the Hear
2009-08-19 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part III)
2009-08-16 Rudy Jackson------Men of God
2009-08-12 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part II)
2009-08-09 Jim Pendry----------The Trespass Offering
2009-08-05 Jeff Johnson---------Worship (Part I)
2009-08-02 Dave Cullen----------Malachi (Part I)
2009-07-29 Steve Andrews-----Prayer
2009-07-26 Bert Jones-----------Joy
2009-07-22 Dave Langston-----Four Points of Fellowship
2009-07-19 Ned Stephens------The Gospel Message
2009-07-15 Ray Clark------------Teaching
2009-07-12 Steve Andrews-----Epistle to the Galations-Continued
2009-07-08 Dave Croudis--------Missionary
2009-07-05 Ray Bullins----------Gideon (Part I)
2009-06-28 Andy Burgess-------Romans 2
2009-06-21 Dave Langston------The Builders Psalm Part 3
2009-06-10 Kenneth Johnson--Genesis Part II
2009-06-07 Bert Jones------------Creation
2009-06-03 Kenneth Johnson--Creation
2009-05-31 Todd Moore----------Stand Up For Jesus
2009-05-27 Johnny Yow---------Christian Hospitality
2009-05-24 Rudy Jackson------At The Feet of Jesus
2009-05-24 Rudy Jackson------20th Anniversary Message
2009-05-20 Ray Clark------------The Believers Baptism
2009-05-17 Steve Andrews-----Galatians 2 - Our Position In Christ
2009-05-13 Ray Clark-------------Doing What is Right
2009-05-10 Dave Cullen----------Proverbs 31
2009-05-06 Ray Clark------------The Rock of Christ
2009-05-03 Jeff Johnson--------God Will Never Forsake Us
2009-04-29 Ray Bullins----------Christ Preeminent
2009-04-25 Dave Langston-----The Builders Psalm (Part II)
2009-04-19 Nate Thomas-------Romans 7
2009-04-12 Dave Croudis-------The Ressurection of Christ
2009-04-05 Ray Clark------------Priesthood of the Believer
2009-03-29 Rudy Jackson------Springs of Living Water
2009-03-25 Ned Stephens------Ephesians 2
2009-03-22 Ray Bullins-----------Attaining Christian Virtues
2009-03-18 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part III)
2009-03-15 Jim Pendry-----------The Sin Offering
2009-03-11 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part II)
2009-03-08 Bert Jones------------Lessons from Philippians
2009-03-04 Jeff Johnson---------The Temptation of Christ (Part I)
2009-03-01 Andy Burgess------Romans the Fifth Gospel
2009-02-25 Steve Andrews------Parenting (Part II)
2009-02-22 Todd Moore----------Things that Hinder Service
2009-02-18 Steve Andrews------Christian Parenting (Part I)
2009-02-15 Ned Stephens-------Romans 1-3 The Bad News
2009-02-11 Randy Caviness----Samson (Part III)
2009-02-08 Jeff Johnson---------Substitution
2009-02-01 Steve Andrews-----Galatians Chapter 4
2009-01-28 Jeff Johnson---------The Order of God
2009-01-25 Dave Langston-----The Builder's Psalm (Part I)
2009-01-21 Johnny Yow---------The Power of God
2009-01-18 Ray Bullins ---------Taste and See
2009-01-14 Kenneth Johnson--Who We Are In Christ
2009-01-04 Ray Clark------------The Precious Stone
2008-12-28 Jim Pendry----------The Meal Offering
2008-12-21 Steve Andrews-----The Virgin Birth
2008-12-14 Rudy Jackson------The Purpose of Christ Coming
2008-12-10 Andy Burgess------Glorification
2008-12-07 Bert Jones-----------Christ and the Church (Part III)
2008-12-03 Andy Burgess------Translation
2008-11-30 Todd Moore---------Christians Helping Others
2008-11-19 Ned Stephens------Romans (Part II)
2008-11-16 Steve Andrews-----Galatians Chapter 3
2008-11-12 Ned Stephens------Romans (Part I)
2008-11-09 Bob Brown-----------Johnny and the Eight Cow Wife
2008-11-05 Bob Brown-----------Faithfullness to the Body
2008-11-02 Jeff Johnson--------Justification
2008-10-26 Jim Pendry----------The Will of Christ
2008-10-22 Dave Cullen---------Knowedge
2008-10-19 Keith Keyser-------The Fall of Babylon
2008-10-12 Dave Langston-----Number Our Days (Part 3)
2008-10-08 Randy Caviness----Samson (Part II)
2008-10-05 Ray Bullins----------Garments of the High Priest (Part V)
2008-10-01 Ray Bullins----------Garments of the High Priest (Part IV)
2008-09-28 Ned Stephens------The Need for the Gospel
2008-09-24 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part III)
2008-09-21 Rudy Jackson-------Change
2008-09-17 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part II)
2008-09-14 Ray Clark-------------I Peter Chapter 1
2008-09-10 Ray Bullins-----------Garments of the High Priest (Part I)
2008-09-07 Don MacMullen------The Man Elijah
2008-08-31 Dave Cullen----------The Full Knowledge of God's Will
2008-08-27 Kenneth Johnson---The Profound Gospel (Part II)
2008-08-24 Todd Moore----------Heroes of the Faith
2008-08-20 Kenneth Johnson---The Profound Gospel (Part 1)
2008-08-17 Steve Andrews------Dead Unto the Law - Alive Unto God
2008-08-13 Andy Burgess-------Union
2008-08-10 Ray Bullins---------- Restoration & Victory
2008-08-06 Andy Burgess-------Adoption
2008-08-03 Jeff Johnson---------What is in a Name
2008-07-23 Bert Jones------------Christ and the Church (Part II)
2008-07-20 Dave Langston------Psalm 90 (Part II)
2008-07-16 Bert Jones-----------Christ and the Church (Part I)
2008-07-13 Jim Pendry-----------Pleasing God
2008-07-09 Dave Cullen----------Abounding
2008-07-06 Ned Stephens-------You Cannot Earn Your Way to Heaven
2008-06-29 Rudy Jackson-------Stand Still and See The Salvation of the Lord
2008-06-25 Bert Jones-----------The Headcovering
2008-06-22 Ray Clark-------------Living in Honor, in Belief and in Love
2008-06-18 Johnny Yow----------Luke 15
2008-06-15 Todd Moore----------On Being a Godly Father
2008-06-11 Randy Caviness----Judges 13
2008-06-08 Ray Bullins ----------God's Departing Glory
2008-06-04 Kenneth Johnson---Our Debt
2008-06-01 Dave Cullen-----------Rest in Christ
2008-05-28 Neal Jones------------Spiritual and Bodily Discipline
2008-05-25 Steve Andrews------Galatians Ch. 2 - Resolving Conflict
2008-05-21 Bert Jones------------Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ
2008-05-18 Jeff Johnson----------The Cleansing of Naaman
2008-05-14 Ned Stephens-------Words From God (Part I)
2008-05-11 Jim Pendry------------A Mothers Love
2008-04-27 Rudy Jackson-------Teaching the Word
2008-04-13 Dave Langston-------Number Our Days (Part I)
2008-04-09 Randy Caviness-----What Believers Know
2008-04-06 Ray Bullins-----------New Creation
2008-04-02 Ray Clark--------------I Peter (Part III)
2008-03-31 Dave Cullen----------Knowledge of God
2008-03-26 Ray Clark--------------I Peter (Part II)
2008-03-23 Ned Stephens------Hebrews 9-14
2008-03-19 Ray Clark-------------I Peter (Part I)
2008-03-12 Ned Stephens------The Old and New
2008-03-09 Todd Moore---------Trusting in Jesus
2008-03-05 Johnny Yow---------The Body
2008-02-27 Neal Jones-----------The Sovereignty of God
2008-02-24 Ray Clark------------Ephesians 5 (Walk in the Spirit)
2008-02-20 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians 1 (Redemption)
2008-02-17 Steve Andrews-----Galatians
2008-02-13 Dave Langston-----Temptation and Trials
2008-02-13 Bert Jones-----------A Balanced View
2008-02-06 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians Ch. 1
2008-02-03 Jim Pendry----------True Riches
2008-01-30 Jason Beverly-------Luke 16
2008-01-27 Rudy Jackson------Joseph
2008-01-23 Ned Stephens------A Blood Sacrifice
2008-01-20 Jeff Johnson---------Seven Promises for the Believer
2008-01-16 Randy Caviness----Jonah(PartIII)
2008-01-13 Bert Jones-----------Ephesians
2008-01-09 Randy Caviness---Jonah (Part II)
2008-01-06 Todd Moore---------Love
2008-01-02 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VII)
2007-12-31 WatchNight--------Part II
2007-12-31 WatchNight--------Part I
2007-12-30 Dave Cullen--------To Live is Christ
2007-12-23 Andy Burgess-----Shepherds
2007-12-12 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VII)
2007-12-09 Ray Bullins---------The Tower of Babel
2007-12-05 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part VI)
2007-12-02 Ray Clark-----------Walk in the Will of God
2007-11-25 Dave Langston----The Discipline of God
2007-11-18 Jim Pendry---------Sharing the Gospel
2007-11-14 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part V)
2007-11-11 Rudy Jackson------Finish the Work
2007-11-07 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part IV)
2007-11-04 Jeff Johnson--------The Miracles of the Cross
2007-10-31 Josh Shelley---------------Missionary Speaker
2007-10-28 Andy Burgess------Sanctification
2007-10-24 Randy Caviness---Jonah (Part I)
2007-10-21 Bert Jones----------Our Riches in Christ
2007-10-17 Steve Andrews----Dispensational Theology (Part III)
2007-10-14 Todd Moore---------Fasting
2007-10-10 Steve Andrews-----Dispensational Theology (Part II)
2007-10-07 Ray Bullins----------The Proven Christ
2007-10-03 Steve Andrews-----Dispensational Theology (Part I)
2007-09-26 Jason Carroll-------Communcating With Bellievers
2007-09-23 Raymond Clark-----Walking in the Light
2007-09-19 Johnny Yow---------The Blood of Jesus
2007-09-16 Jim Pendry----------The Seven "I Am's" (Part II)
2007-09-09 Don MacMullen----Lessons From Amos
2007-09-05 Dave Cullen---------Inside the Veil
2007-09-02 Jeff Johnson--------The Consecration of the Priesthood
2007-08-26 Steve Andrews----Galatians Chapter 1 (Part II)
2007-08-22 Jim Pendry---------The Shipwreck of Paul
2007-08-19 Ray Bullins----------Fail Not the Grace of God
2007-08-12 Rudy Jackson------God Sees
2007-08-05 Dave Langston----The Call of Discipleship
2007-08-01 Todd Moore--------Contentment
2007-07-29 Andy Burgess------Regeneration
2007-07-22 Dave Cullen--------New Covenant Faith
2007-07-15 Bert Jones----------The Christian's True Citizenship
2007-07-08 Jeff Johnson-------The Word of God
2007-06-27 Scott Newcomb -
2006-11-01 - Johnny Yow & Scott Newcomb - Death and Prayer
2005-4-13 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part II
2005-12-25 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 12
2005-12-18 - Jeff Johnson - Humble Yourself as a Child - Mathew 18
2005-12-11- Rudy Jackson - Sorrow in Bethlehem
2005-12-07 - Neil Jones - The Christmas Story
2005-12-04 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapter 4
2005-11-30 - Paul Beverly - Paul Beverly's Testimony
2005-11-27 - Wayne Denny - A Living Hope - 1 Peter 1 _ 3-8
2005-11-13 - Randy Amos - Christian Freedom Part 2 - Galations 5_1
2005-11-13 - Randy Amos - Christian Freedom Part 1 - Galations 5_1
2005-11-09 - Jeff Buckles - Romans 1
2005-11-06 - Ned Stepens - John 12 Part III
2005-11-02 - Jeff Buckles - Gospel Through Dispensation
2005-10-30 - Jeff Johnson - Lessons From the Ark
2005-10-26 - Raymond Clark - Zephaniah 2 - God's Judgement of the Gentiles
2005-10-23 - Ray Clark - God's Judgement of the Gentiles - Zephaniah 2
2005-10-19 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom - Part 2
2005-10-16 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 11
2005-10-13 - Jabe Nicholson - The Simple Truth of the Gospel
2005-10-12 - Jabe Nikolson - My Friend
2005-10-11 - Jabe Nicholson - What Makes Life Worth Living
2005-10-10 - Jabe Nicholson - Five Questions
2005-10-09 - Jabe Nicholson - Parable of the Vineyard - Mark 12
2005-10-09 - Jabe Nicholson - Is Peace Possible In Today's World_
2005-10-05 - Steve Andrews - Prayer Part 2
2005-10-02 - Ray Bullins - Fear of God
2005-09-28 - The Day of the Lord - Zephaniah 1
2005-09-25 - Ned Stephens - John 12
2005-09-21 - Steve Andrews - Prayer Part 1
2005-09-18 - Good News On the Move - Testimonies
2005-09-11 - Don Macmullen - The Storms of Life
2005-09-10 - Marilyn MacMullen - When Trouble Comes - Lady's Luncheon
2005-09-04 - Ray Bullins - Noah Shut In
2005-08-31 - Paul Bramsen - Missionary to Senegal, Africa
2005-08-28 - Rudy Jackson - A Challenge to Mature
2005-08-24 - Johnny Yow - Adoption As Sons
2005-08-21 - Jeff Johnson - A Question of the Heart - Luke 7
2005-08-17 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom
2005-08-14 - Ned Stephens - Christ In Control - John 12
2005-08-10 - Dave Langston - Meeting Other's Needs - The One Anothers
2005-08-07 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapter 3
2005-07-31 - Jerry Denny - Parables
2005-07-27 - Mike Moody - New Testament Beliefs
2005-07-24 - Ray Clark - Zephaniah - Battle of the Baals
2005-07-20 - Mike Moody - Things Taken and Added
2005-07-13 - Mike Finney - The Greatest Law
2005-07-10- Rudy Jackson - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 2
2005-07-10 - Rudy Jackson - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 1
2005-07-06 - Mike Finney - Patriots and Traitors
2005-07-03 - Andy Burgess - Biblical Food - Ecclesiastes 10
2005-06-26- Steve Andrews - The Gray Areas
2005-06-22 - Bert Jones - Wisdom
2005-06-19 - Jeff Johnson - Father's Day Message
2005-06-12 - Steve Andrews - Ezra Chapters 1 and 2
2005-06-08 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part VII
2005-06-05 - Ray Bullins - Resolving Conflicts - Philemon
2005-06-01 - John Jimo - Forgiveness - Lessons From Joseph
2005-05-29 - Wayne Denny - Trials and Tribulations - Romans 5 1 - 7
2005-05-25 - Ray Bullins - Christ First - Colossians I Part II
2005-05-18 - Ray Bullins - Christ First - Colossians 1 Part 1
2005-05-15- Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 9
2005-05-11 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part VI
2005-05-08 - Rudy Jackson - Mother's of the Bible - Mother's Day
2005-05-04 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ - Part V
2005-05-01 - Todd Moore - Gideon - Judges 6
2005-04-27 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ - Part IV
2005-04-20- Jeff Johnson - Joeph A Type of Christ - Part III
2005-04-17 - Jerry Denny - Personal Testimony
2005-04-10 - Jeff Johnson - The Humanity of Christ
2005-04-06 - Jeff Johnson - Joseph A Type of Christ Part 1
2005-04-03 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 14 Part 2
2005-03-30 - Ned Stephens - Hebrewes
2005-03-27 - Steve Andrews - The Authority and Rejection of Christ
2005-03-20 - Andy Burgess - Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 2
2005-03-09 - Bert Jones - How Do You Know That You're Saved
2005-03-06 - Mithra Satuluri - Sunday Morning
2005-03-05 - Dave Langston - One Another - I Corinthians 13_ 1-3
2005-02-27 - Steve Andrews - Daniel 12
2005-02-23 - Sam Thorpe - 7 Principles for Eliminating Stress
2005-02-20 - Ned Stephen - John 12
2005-02-16 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews
2005-02-09 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews
2005-02-02 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews 1
2005-01-26 - Ned Stephens - Hebrews 2
2005-01-23 - Mark Beebe - Leaven
2005-01-16 - Todd Moore - Less of Self, More of Christ
2005-01-09 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 14 Part 1
2005-01-02 - Jeff Johnson - Isaiah 53_12 - Seven Spoils of Christ's Victory
2004-12-29 - Wayne Denny - Unity In Christ - Ephesians
2004-12-26 - Wayne Denny - Overview of the Book of Philippians
2004-12-22 - Mark Beebe - The Life of Jacob Part VIII
2004-12-19 - Ned Stephens - Jesus Came to Save Sinners - 1 Timothy 1_15
2004-12-12 - Jerry Denny - The Transfiguration - Luke 9 _ 28-36
2004-12-08 - AJ Covell - What is Worship
2004-12-01 - Paul Bramson - Missions to Muslims
2004-11-28 - Ray Bullins - Give Thanks
2004-11-24 - Cecil Cottrell - Redemption
2004-11-21 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 8
2004-11-17 - Dave Langston - Lessons From Josiiah
2004-11-03 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part IV
2004-11-03 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 4
2004-10-31 - Steve Andrews - Daniel 11
2004-10-27 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part III
2004-10-27 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 3
2004-10-24 - Ned Stephens - Divine Imperatives - John's Gospel - Relation of God the Father to His Son
2004-10-20 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part 2
2004-10-17 - Jeff Johnson - Isaiah 59 16
2004-10-13 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible - Part 1
2004-10-10 - Bob Brown - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 2
2004-10-10 - Bob Brown - History of Reidsville Bible Chapel Part 1
2004-10-06 - Steve Andrews - Angels Part - Daniel 10
2004-10-03 - Steve Andrews - Angels Part 1 - Daniel 10
2004-09-26 - Ray Bullins - Ephesians 2 1-10 Part 2
2004-09-19 - Mark Beebe - Love One Another - 1 John 2 - 6-11
2004-09-12 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 7 - Part 2
2004-09-05 - Todd Moore - A Godly Husband
2004-08-22 - Ray Clark - Zechariah 13
2004-08-18 - Mark Beebe - The Life of Jacob - Part 1
2004-08-17 - Bert Jones - The Way of Wisdom
2004-08-15 - Jerry Denny - Preparation for Discipleship - Mathew 16 13-28
2004-08-01 - Ned Stephens - Divine Imeratives - John's Gospel
2004-07-28 - Steve Andrews - The Role of Deacons
2004-07-25 - Steve Whitter - The Recipe For Great Faith - Luke 7 _ 1-10
2004-07-21 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3_12 - 4_8
2004-07-21 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3 _ 12 - 4 _ 8
2004-07-14 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy 3_1-14
2004-07-14 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy 3_ 1-14
2004-07-11 - Ray Bullins - Ephesians 2 _ 1-10
2004-07-04 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes
2004-06-30 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy Chapter 2_15-26
2004-06-30 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy - Chapter 2_ 15-26
2004-06-23 - Ray Bullins - II Timothy Chapter 2_1 -14
2004-06-23 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy Chapter 2_ 1-14
2004-06-20 - Steve Andrews - Lessons From the Prodigal Son - Father's Day Message
2004-06-16 - Ray Bullins - 2 Timothy Chapter 1 _ 6-14
2004-06-13 - Rudy Jacksonn - The Holy Spirit
2004-06-13 - Rudy Jackson - The Holy Spirit
2004-06-09 - Jeff Buckles - Relationships With Unbelievers
2004-06-02 - Ray Bullins - Introduction to II Timothy
2004-06-02 - Ray Bullins - Introduction to 2 Timothy
2004-05-30 - Ned Stephens - The Road to Jerusalem
2004-05-27 - Ray Clark - Israel's Deliverance and Salvation - Zechariah 12
2004-05-19 - Ned Stephens - Luke 20
2004-05-16 - Jeff Johnson - Marriage
2004-05-12 - Joseph of India - John 10 _ 10
2004-05-09 - Todd Moore - Christian Mother's - Mother's Day Message
2004-05-02 - Ray Clark - Rejection of the True Shepherd - Zechariah 11
2004-04-25 - Andy Burgess - Ecclesiastes 6
2004-04-20 - Andy Burgess - Rope Holders of the Bible Part II
2004-03-14 - Ray Bullins - Walking In The Spirit - Romans 8_ 1 -17
2004-03-07 - Rudy Jackson - Controlling the Mind - Romans 7_15-25
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church Part 1 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 3 B
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 3 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 2 A
2004-01-24 - Randy Amos - Dangerous Trends - New Thought Patterns In The Christian Church - Part 2 B

"Zeal without knowledge is like a mettled horse without eyes, or like a sword in a madman's hand; and there is no knowledge where there is not the word: for if they reject the word of the Lord, and act not by that, 'What wisdom is in them?' saith the prophet (Jer 8:9; Isa 8:20). "
John Bunyan